Say nothing and join them, see what happens
Then you need to get off the fucking road
I was thinking of the Star Gate episode where they raid Seth’s compound
We have a campaign going where my character is blind. It didn’t start out that way - we ran across an eldritch horror that wanted eyes in exchange for great power. I like power, so I gave on my own eyes, that way all the power would be mine
Now I’m blind and have a seeing eye penguin. He’s a pretty cool penguin though
It’s backwards lol. We want windows stuff to work in Linux so we have a stable system that can do everything we need, instead they gave us Linux on top the unstable pile of shit we all hate
You should probably make your own community then
100% no argument at all. I feel very lucky that I was able to do it, and very sad that that’s what it takes….
I did the same kind of thing he did, bought a meth lab in 2011 for 50k owner carry contract, evicted the meth heads (that was fun) then gutted it and spent a few years sleeping on the floor, working full time for $16 an hour at day and fixing up the place at night. Had an electrician and plumber friend come show me how to do stuff and help me out for pretty cheap. Sold it in 2020 for 175k when I got married and used that and the new wife’s credit score to get our family house where it’s safe to have kids
A lot of luck and a lot of work. It’s not easy and there was a lot of luck involved for sure.
I use old iPhones as video baby monitors in much the same way with an app called AlfredCamera, works pretty good for a free app on scrap hardware
Having a wife and kid
My wife once walked in on the middle of an online DND session right when I was getting slapped across the face by the cock of a half man half ox, because a moment prior i used invisible mage hand to pants him in front of the queen, for reasons….. I genuinely don’t remember why I did that but it seemed like a good idea at the time. He took offense to this of course
I couldn’t really explain it to her