I have an older GPU (rx 470) and I play games that probably aren't super new so my main concerns were mainly my tech literacy and fear of fucking something up xD
What was your experience switching over to Linux and getting it set up for gaming?
So a reverse old yeller?
Yeah if you keep throwing uno reverses at the uno reverses you can create a black hole to stow your rights in for safe keeping!
It really is great isn't it? I remember walking through a museum, found the microcline sample and lost my mind 😂
Mozilla on mobile lets you watch stuff in browser and you can get ublock as well! It also lets you play videos while it's running in the background again. It's truly heaven.
Maybe "there are 4 people so rich they are basically gods" is more apt?
"cunt" and "cunting" for more colourful replacements?
loud honky bois
They had the one hit they played everywhere, I forget the name of it but I can see the music video in my head. It was on Fuse? a lot.
At a glance I thought this was some weird tileset for dwarf fortress lol. Hope you find the help you're looking for!