
joined 1 year ago
[–] interceder270 3 points 1 year ago

It's by design. We don't want the disparity in wealth to shrink so we only elect people who exacerbate it.

[–] interceder270 -1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I mean, that doesn't have to stop the jury from including it in their verdict.

The legal system is way more flimsy than a lot of you people realize.

Here's a case of a bootlegger that killed his wife after he got out of jail because she left him and sold all his stuff:

He was found not guilty even though he admitted to doing it. Apparently the courtroom cheered (I don't blame them, tbh.)

[–] interceder270 3 points 1 year ago

You’d have to prove they knew she was dead based on the word gone.

I mean, if his parents' response is anything but "gone where?" then it's already proven they know he was talking about killing her.

Gone fishing? Gone to the mall? Gone and left me now I need you guys to get me a lawyer?

Oh what I would give to be on that jury.

[–] interceder270 3 points 1 year ago

You can blame the city/country tribalism.

It's really sad, but that's how the nation is divided.

[–] interceder270 5 points 1 year ago

Detention for me was something you did after school. Essentially you were kept late.

In-school suspension is just like detention during school hours.

[–] interceder270 9 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Are they just power mad control freaks?

Yes. Schools have cultures just like anywhere else. Once the administration has a sufficient number of power-hungry losers, this is the end result.

They can never do anything wrong. It is always someone else's fault for everything. And all of them reinforce this mentality in each other.

It's disgusting.

[–] interceder270 12 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yeah. They're preventing him from getting his education for some racist bullshit.

Everyone who has a hand in this pie needs to be fired and future wages garnished to repay him for what he's lost.

We can even do the math to find out how much it costs to educate 1 student for 1 day and then multiply that by how many days he's been suspended.

[–] interceder270 1 points 1 year ago (11 children)

Now, if you saw a drink called charged lemonade next to their regular lemonade, what would you think it was? Lemonade with some extra fruits perhaps?

No, I see the word 'charged' and I immediately think energy drinks.

Do red bull, monster, and starbucks put caffeine warnings on their products?

[–] interceder270 -2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Panera is absolutely not at fault.

This is just the news cycle drumming up hysteria because there's not much else going on.

[–] interceder270 2 points 1 year ago

Politics in the US has been a joke ever since the Eisenhower administration.

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