The cat and the peaches like to stay informed
He’s in a conman club and they look out for each other? Idk, I’m just trying to make it make sense.
LaMarche stated that on coming in to audition for the character of the Brain, he saw the resemblance to Welles and went with that for the voice, and he was given the role on the spot. LaMarche describes Brain's voice as "65% Orson Welles, 35% Vincent Price"
You, my friend, were correct!
I think they meant the person who calls for the tow has to pay upfront.
Can you explain the straightest Peter part too?
Sparkles, according to the video
And where should I keep this skincare ointment? In my lady purse?! I’ll take my stake with extra asbestos, thank you very much.
Let’s stick to the topic. When Biden does it, I’ll make fun of him too.
It’s almost as if he doesn’t give a shit about the people he panders to.
Well you guys are just sort of there. Do something, or make some noise at least.
The only way I saw later stages was in walkthroughs and magazines. I should go back and try it again, I think I bought the collection recently.