In the beginning when you explore one of the starting areas you can encounter a prostitute who offers herself for cheap. If you agree, she tells you to follow her into some backroom. However, there is a giant dude waiting inside who knocks you unconscious and takes all your money (it's scripted, you can't escape this fate once you enter the backroom).
Warum wird sowas in /dach gepostet? Das hat rein gar nichts mit dach zu tun, das passt eher zu worldnews oder sowas
We were in Croatia once at a beautiful little restaurant at the beach. The food was fine except it was completely cold when it was brought to our table. Not warm, not lukewarm, I mean cold. Sat on the counter over an hour cold.
Same here! I do get drunk on occasion but never out of control
Actually, dual citizenship in Germany is only allowed for a few select non-EU countries. For everyone else: first you apply for citizenship. Then they say citizenship will be granted, under the condition that you provide proof of revoking your previous citizenship within 2 years. Then you revoke your previous citizenship and give the confirmation to the immigration department. They will process it (during those weeks you are practically stateless) and grant you citizenship on this basis. Source: did this three years ago
This meme is older than my kids
The water takes a couple minutes to warm up after it's turned off. If I were to turn off the water for each task, showering would take even longer as I wait for the water temperature to normalize itself again
It's a reference to an infamous 4 panel comic strip called "loss". It's one of them ancient memes from 2008. If I remember correctly, the story of the comic is that the dude rushes in to the hospital to find his pregnant wife had just lost their baby or something. If you dumb it down enough and reduce the characters to lines, you end up with
II I--
I'm wondering how people take showers shorter than 20 minutes. My normal shower routine takes 30-40 minutes, even longer if I need to shave intimate parts. if I'm in a real hurry and skip shaving altogether I might make it in 20 minutes. I have long hair, so I need to apply shampoo, rinse, apply some more shampoo, rinse, apply conditioner, while it soaks I wash my face with gentle face wash, soap up my body, shave, then rinse.... It's a long process.
Congratulations, you just figured out how healthcare works in the rest of developed countries
Thanks, now I'm craving it too