Hmm. Lemmy gets all the crazies, huh? I was going to delete this one, but it's actually somewhat entertaining. I'm an Exorcist fan so I know what this is about. These are all references from the movie. Not sure about the Aramaic reference though.
Confabulations. What better way to discard someone's true past experiences by gaslighting them with a single solitary term.
It's finally good to see the folks that have been lurking, get involved. No matter what type of criticism they may bring. I encourage it.
This is a test of JGE's recommendation
Did it work?
Yes it did!
Thanks JGE!
I'm going to say that picture was taken in China? But yes. That is hell. Not too far off from where I am living.
Hope you find it, brother.
Not at all. I understand what your saying. My intentions were strictly for bot monitoring. From what I'm getting at the functionality doesn't exist to view all the subscribers. Thanks.
ummm.. I missed that part. I didn't write that stuff, so don't sh00t the messenger.
Let's make a conscious effort to be nice about people in the future. Using the word crazy is just an exaggeration for you I'm sure.
Both men and women are capable of revenge. If you can pull your knuckles up from the ground, check out this article from the National Library of Medicine:
"Revenge Fantasies After Experiencing Traumatic Events: Sex Differences"
Revenge is defined as “an action in response to some perceived harm or wrongdoing by another party that is determined to inflict damage, injury, discomfort, or punishment to the party judged responsible”
Modern Western thought considers revenge taboo and encourages forgiveness instead.
The desire for revenge is also intended to re-equilibrate power and allow the victim to regain a sense of control over his or her circumstances
However, when the victim knows the perpetrator and has an emotional attachment, the level of revenge is thought to be contingent upon the desire to preserve the relationship with the perpetrator and feelings toward him or her. The greater the desire to preserve the relationship, the greater the tendency to either deny the hurt or forgive the perpetrator.
In this context, recent research shows that retaliatory violence including revenge is gendered (Mullins et al., 2004) with women adopting a submissive position and tend to avoid aggression and retaliation while men are encouraged to exhibit aggressive behaviors and revenge (Feld and Felson, 2008). For example, women with higher affective dysregulated temperaments are more likely to exhibit revenge fantasies. However, these fantasies are directed against the self in the form of suicidal ideation, planning, or attempts (Serafini et al., 2012). Women’s self-harm can be reflected in the phenomenon of self-silencing, which refers to the intentional withholding of thoughts and feelings from relationship partners as a way of nourishing those relationships and circumventing possible loss, rejection, and conflict
These thoughts and feelings, which are manifested in various types of behaviors including the denial of expression of emotions or beliefs, presenting a submissive exterior to the public despite feeling hostility and anger, putting one’s needs ahead of the self-needs are mostly characterized by women and reflect women’ strategies to cope with patriarchal systems that limit women’s choices
Wow! My first hands on a Linux distribution! It was like version pl .18 or something like that. Not even v1 yet. I ran an internet access bbs off of it using shell and slip (for client) with 5 dialins. Backend was either DSL or 28.8k modem. Boy did that thing get laggy sometimes. People loved it though. I charged $20 for 3 months. Never made any money. I just did it for the fun. What a great distribution. Congrats Slackware!