Yeah I think I'll just do what you do at some point in the future. Makes a lot of sense
It helps you stay away from the Office room all day
Yeah it seems super convenient for that
Emulation is such a great reason to get it
Yeah I guess Switch VS SteamDeck is a hard choice. Basically the steam deck can have them both so that could possibly be both
One day I'll replace my laptop with this... Makes so much sense
Oh wow I guess this'll be a great solution when I'll become a father eventually
It seems like a great device for traveling really
Thanks! That helps
That actually makes a lot of sense. I was thinking of selling my gaming PC sometimes in the future and sticking around to SteamDeck
Yeah I seem to be in pretty much the same situation. I might just stick around with Moonlight + iPad 12.9 inch in the meantime, and maybe get Steam Deck V2 in a few years when it comes out hopefully
Thanks! That's a great input and is very helpful!