Secret Hitler is CC 4.0 and is really fun. They have a print and play version you can download on the website for free.
If you set a static ip can you get connectivity? Have you confirmed that your interface is still up via Ifconfig or ip link?
I'm partial to mikrotik gear, the CRS305 has 4 sfp+ ports for around $150.
There came an echo by big giant circles.
Wow that sounds terrible... Especially with encouraging employers to increase birth rates, a lot of sexual assault/harassment is going to be swept under the rug.
Both opnsense and pfsense allow custom DNS entries so you still have that as an option. Probably the other options do too but you'll just have to verify.
But if you want to keep it simple I would just keep the pihole as a separate device. A lot of the built in options aernt quite as easy to setup and don't have the best UI compared to pihole IMO.
Most of the more advanced gateways have some sort of DNS filtering built in. Opnsense has an adguard plugin, pfsense has pfblocker-ng, openwrt has a few different options, Unifi and mikrotik both have solutions too I think. Usually you can just load the same block list that pihole uses into the filtering software and you are good to go.
If you want the most flexibility and want to use the same hardware for both gateway/DNS and want to try out different DNS/router solutions a hypervisor would give you the most options. But it would also be the most complicated.
I've been in the closed beta since February and I can vouch for this game being awesome. It's been a great way to encourage me to take my dogs on walks and stay healthy. I definitely recommend checking it out.
To the dev, your game has motivated me to learn flutter/dart. I've been working with it for four months now and I'm getting close to finishing my first app, so thank you for the inspiration!
The book "I will teach you to be rich" has a great overview of how to best leverage credit cards, high yield savings accounts, setting up automatic investments, saving, and lots of other 'good to know' topics about money.
For investing specifically I use the Boglehead method.
Another solution is to use NAT on the router. NAT all traffic from the client network 11.0/24 to the routers IP on the server network 10.0/24.
That way when the server sees the ICMP echoes on its 10.102 network it will look like it came from the router and send the reply back together router instead out its other interface.
Are you sure you are typing the address in correctly on android/ios? 198.162.x.x isnt part of private IP space.
I would make sure the adapter you're using (internal or USB) supports AP mode. Most intel ones don't: