" Fran Drescher! I place you in charge of SAG. The studios are yours to squeeze, as I promised. I want you to squeeze and squeeze and squeeze! Give me fair contracts! Drive them. Drive them into utter submission! Do not show the slightest pity or mercy! Never stop. Go. Go! Show no mercy! "
Man i used to love KRS... But that MFer is off the tracks crazy.
It is incredible the amount of turbulence that has stemmed from one man, and the amount of blind devotion his followers express.
I turned off cloud saves for it. It was murdering my patience when a friend would ask me to play another game while I was in a bg session. I cant figure out if it uploads ALL saves, or just the most recent. I quick save a ton, so i guess i could be to blame... But since im only playing on one pc, and not on my deck, i dont need the cloud save atm.
My opinion is that Odetta makes the next book hard to read, but the next book is really strong... So it maybe worth the trip. Imo King isnt the best author cover to cover... But his highlights are undeniable. So id urge you to keep going.
It makes sense to me! Thanks for the explanation!
Why have you decided to stop with an annual? I kinda considered it, then was like "well, its just another annual vax, why would i get one but not the other?" My mom also said she was ok not getting another one... then she got it about a month ago, and said that changed her mind. She was miserable with it, and would not miss one going forward. lol. I guess I am kind of landing on the idea of if it gives me a boost in fighting it off, if i contract it.. i am good with gettin the jab.
In case any of this looks like I am arguing with your decision, I am definitely not!!!
Conservatives everywhere are up in arms that THEY had to pay their loans, but the corpses dont have to. "nobody wants to work" they collectively mutter.
Thanks! I will check him out!
well, in the grand scheme of things, all of those modes of storage came and went relatively quickly, and the internet almost completely outmoded the need for portable tech...for more static usage, even HDDs are being replaced by SSDs... and all companies want to us to migrate even that to the cloud, to more centralize and profit from that.
well, in the grand scheme of things, all of those modes of storage came and went relatively quickly, and the internet almost completely outmoded the need for portable tech...for more static usage, even HDDs are being replaced by SSDs... and all companies want to us to migrate even that to the cloud, to more centralize and profit from that.
For some reason i thought he was in prison.... Guess not yet.