Oh that would be a fun print! Adding to the ever-expanding todo list
joined 2 years ago
This was actually taken a while ago (reposting my OC from Reddit) but honesty painting my eyes havent gotten much better haha. Toothpick is a good suggestion!
I use a "hack"; paint the whites, and then once dry use a micron pen (the insanely fine tip ones) to "paint" the blacks. Squidmar on YouTube has a video on it
I swear it doesn't even work sometimes!
Yeah same. I mainly use Printables, this print was originally found on Thingiverse, but it probably has a counterpart on Printables
Edit: Ah the original thingiverse post actually directs to the printables entry! https://www.printables.com/model/77879-among-us-easy-printcrewbodyghostimpostor