Well maybe that’s because I think it’s absolutely stupid to apply a standard to someone else while not applying the same standard to yourself. It’s an off topic comment that only takes away from the conversation. While I’ll agree that the top comment isn’t fully relevant, it’s still related. Not to mention the complaints are valid. I 100% would stop watching my favorite channels if they did content with Linus. I already stopped watching him years ago because of his narcissistic traits, how he acts, and how he communicates. So to me the top comment is more relevant than the post.
Apple trees, like most flowering plants, have both male and female reproductive parts. So idk what the fuck you’re talking about. (Awkward)
I am a stick.
Also fuck Moash.
Minus the rape and raping because of being raped.
Well hate speech is free speech too. Schools don’t want to foster that behavior and so they can make and enforce policies to create the learning environment that they want. Also your argument works for bringing guns into schools too. The second amendment is above those school policies too.
Yeah, me knowing model names is more a product of the system we live in rather than my interest in cars. I’m more interested in the mechanics and engineering behind cars than cars themselves. But that could be said for a lot of things.
I’m not into cars, I just read things and start associating their names to the objects. Not fucking hard. You assuming that I like something just because I can read and name it is very ignorant. Or is that just something you do, avoid reading and learning what things are called just because you don’t like them.
Maybe if you weren’t such a condescending asshole you’d realize that we share the same disinterest in “random husks of metal” that are major impacts to global warming and micro plastics.
Maybe pay attention to the world around you. It’s literally readily available information that you can see with your own eyes. I’m not a car guy but I can remember reading things I see. Congratulations, you’re the asshole!
Hur dur, I can read. It’s called walking by parked cars. I read it then and remember it when I’m driving. It’s really not hard. You guys being so ignorant comes off as asshole behavior.
Oh shit I forgot the intro, 3 body paragraphs, and the conclusion. I guess my comment is irrelevant.