Brainfuck is dead easy to learn, its incredibly hard to use.
Likely wont be forced to change.
This was made by someone whos never had a dog, bc dogs fuck your stuff up 1000x a cat.
Yeah, a cold breakfast is so sad.
That is a mental illness or disease no less than narcism or alcoholism. Rich people aren't special, and they are sick. They also happen to exploit others in a way that feeds back into that sickness. It appears important bc they have so much but its just coincidence, disease and the complexity of socitey that makes it hard to change so that there illness can be treated.
No one who wants to write brainfuck would admit they need help.
The money on the right doesnt like him, voters, tbs.
I call it, its raining and the sun is out
Ill take that bet.
It is people who are ok with applying violence for their cause. Who see the world in/out groups. Horseshoe theory is overly simplified bc the far left and right are just not the same, but they do have commonalities.
Neither does not puttinj him in jail. We are fast the point of no return.
It breaks down a lot because most things arent markets.