If nearly half of traffic is bots, at least 40% must be npm install
Madly Deeply: The Alan Rickman Diaries.
Pretty good. Offbeat as all hell. Loses its way a little in season 2 but pulls it back for season 3. Wasn’t generally considered a hit, didn’t make it past season 3.
Oh I know San junipero, just suggesting the plot of season 2 of future man as another similar reference - minds uploaded to “the cloud” and bodies destroyed on upload complete. Haley Joel Osmand is pretty decent as the antagonist of that season.
Future man season 2?
Exactly. Even Google, who have piles and piles of cash just sitting around and could easily afford it, don’t move into the printing business to save a few bucks. They just contract some company who offer that kind of thing as a service to arrange it for them. The company I worked for don’t even print the t-shirts, they just arrange the printing via a range of companies who do offer such a service. Everyone in between takes a little cut and Google still get their t-shirts at like £5 each.
Google love a t-shirt. Sold more t-shirts to Google than any other client by a mile and a half.
Now eat your fungi penis up it’s good for you.
Not even Google ever printed 20k tshirts to give away for free.
Thats demonstrably false. I used to work for a merch company on the Google account and 20k custom printed Google t-shirts to give away at some event is a once every one or two months kind of order.
I dunno when I stopped drinking regularly, just kinda happened. I do know I’ve had one glass of red wine this year (it was meh, take it or leave it). I’ll join this pledge.
Motorbikes will 100% go round via that patch of dirt next to it.
~~I reckon (could be way wrong) that you could get a bicycle through by turning the handlebars 90 degrees in either direction so they slip through the thin bit and the bit at the bottom is wider so the wheel could go through as long as you lift it and roll the bike on its back wheel. Thats still really rubbish if that’s the design tho.~~ edit: nevermind, I was looking at it wrong. I don’t think that works.
I doubt a wheelchair is getting through there anyway anyhow.