
joined 1 year ago
[–] helpImTrappedOnline 13 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (4 children)

They crashed. Wonder Woman must have told him the typical excuse "I didn't see you".

Both had invisible space ships.

[–] helpImTrappedOnline 5 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Oh silly fbi - you won't get a confession out of me that easy

[–] helpImTrappedOnline 1 points 6 months ago

Unfortuanlty the clickbait is super effective against the mass-audiences. This makes everything else seem less favorable to the algorithm. If a channel wants to get views, they have to join in to get new viewers or they will get burried by the allgorithum. For full time YouTube's that is financially devastating.

If people only click on "you won't belive X", then unfortuanlty thats what all the channels have to do. Some do it more subtle than others, but most videos names are some form of clickbait.

I get it why they have to do it, I dont like it, buts that's current reality of how YT works. It does bother alot me is when channels complty lie in their title. There's a difference between "STOP USING LINUX MAJOR EXPLOIT LINUX IS DEAD" and "MAJOR EXPLOIT FOUND IN LINUX"

DeArrow let's us change both to an approiate title and we can choose to watch a video because we are interested in the topic or creator, while the creator makes BS titles in attempt to get enough views from the masses to feed themselves.

[–] helpImTrappedOnline 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I like Simple Note.

I'm not sure about real time collab, but I know you can share notes.

They do have a github page. Having to make an account and store notes server side is a big minus, but it is the only one I've found to

  1. Not be Google
  2. support all major OS (Lin, Win, Mac, And, ios, and browser)
  3. Not serve ads
  4. Not require self hosting
  5. Not ask for money (beside a donate button)
  6. Not be Google


Digging into it a bit more. Seems they started in 2008 and were aquired by Automattic, in 2013. Same people behind WordPress. Oddly enough, Simple Note is not listed in their list of products.

Simple Note client side is GPL-2.0 The server is proprietary

They say on their own site, don't store sensitive data. But that's good advice for any online service.

[–] helpImTrappedOnline 4 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (4 children)

Also has categories and options to auto skip or ask you to skip each catagory. A sponser is sponser. You can choose to also skip intros, recaps, end credits, self promotions (buy my shirt), or skip straight to the highlight of the video (great for the tutorial videos that are 5 minute back story and 10 second answer).

Also consider an extension made by the same person, DeArrow. This one crowd sources non click-bait titles and thumbnails (using a screenshot from the video).

Instead of "You won't belive they are keeping the technology to them selves" with a thumbnail of some dude, mouth wode open, pointing to a flying car next to some celeb.

You'll see "Bob talks about AI images and his theoriess that aliens are hired by the government to do the 'Ai' work." with a thumbnail showing some random dude streaming.

[–] helpImTrappedOnline 2 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Netgaurd does not require root.

It can run as a VPN, to funel and block unwanted WiFi or data usage from apps. Lots of settings and options per app to block WiFi and/or data. You can also set it so an app will allowed only if the screen is on (good for weather, lemmy or email updates)

As for gmail, it sounds like that would be setting within gmail, however I just briefly looked and did not see it. Personally I switched to K-9 email, it works great for me. I wonder if gmail follows the system data saver or something stupid (If you happen to have that on)?

[–] helpImTrappedOnline 4 points 6 months ago

Pretty much, yes, but infinate isn't quite true.

(The magic system isn't DnD, so I'm spending way too much time making up a lot of shit here to give a general idea that no one really asked for. (And because its fun to brutely mash one magic system into another)).

Let's say your average mid to high level mage has 100x spell slots (and for now assume all other stats are also equal). In this system, there are no spell levels. Instead, more complex spells require more slots to be used at once.

The basic defence and attack spell are 1 to 10. 1 defence spell blocks 10 basic attacks. However, you can't attack and defend at the same time, and 1 defence is only for a small area. Full 360° coverage would cost a lot of slots per second. You conserve slots by precicly blocking the opponents spells as they come.

To break the defence you need to to be able to hit it really hard and follow up before they can cast more defence or counter attack. To do more damage in a spell, it costs more slots. This is where things like the other stats, skills, refelx time, unique spells, and combat stratagy become deciding factors in fights. Slot count also varies, a young mage might start of with one slot, but can become a very high level mage with 300 slots.

MC has 200 slots to start with and trained to get a very fast cast per second rate for both basic attack and defence. They are so proficient in the spell, it's the equivelent effort of you or me walking.

While MC's magic mistle does little damage, they can cast the spell 20 times in a second from multiple directions. This forces opponents to use up all their slots to defend until they run out or get overwhelmed by the numbers. The only defence is to do 360 defence, which can't be maintained for long. (For simplicity sake, assume all the magic is a one shot kill. If you don't defend or dodge, you die).

To make things more fun, MC has no idea they are insanly strong because their only reference growing up was their mentor who has the 5000 slot cheat code.

Yes, I am over thinking this. And yes, I should be sleeping right now.

[–] helpImTrappedOnline 8 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Thats a cool picture. All I got was clouds...

[–] helpImTrappedOnline 4 points 6 months ago

if some stranger tries to grab your keys you can drop them inside.

When it finally happens "HA, I've been waiting 49 years for this exact situation! they all said I crazy." Old man shouts at sky "I told you Grettle that I'd have a use for that hole someday!!!"

A few moments later "Now, how do I get to the basment with no key"

[–] helpImTrappedOnline 3 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (2 children)

I think the other person doesn't word it well. First, the fighting isn't the main plot of the story, its more about everything in between. The MCs are powerful, but still need to be careful in their fights. or they will die.

The story doesn't want dragon ball fights that are 20 chapters long, or have an impassible monster that de-rail the goal for 20 more chapters. Their obsticals are more about the world and people they interact with.

The magic combat system is pretty well thought out, but not complex.

The MC basically has lots of mana. That's their "op" trait. They developed a stragedy to spam cast the basic damage spell.

I'm making up some numbers here to kind of paint a picture of how this "basic spell" work.

Attack spell =

  • 1 second cast time
  • 1 damage to defence spell
  • 10/10 damage to unprotected person. (Can do 9/10 depending on what the plot needs)
  • Can be cast in a variety of directions. (I.e it's not a gun, its a targeted missle)
  • cost more mana than the defence spell.

Defence spell =

  • .5 second cast
  • Can absorb 100 hits
  • low mana cost for small area over a short period of time, high cost to do "full coverege". Its essentially a sheild they move around and resize to block attacks as they come. Fully protecting yourself burns too much mana and you'd lose.

For most hitting the defence spell a hundred times is a stupid stratagy, so everyone came up with different spells that break through it in a few hits.

Out MC instead trained the basic spell so much, they can cast it 20 times a second over a long period of time. This forces the opponent to burn mana trying to maintain defence. The opponent is overwhelmed and get hit. However the stratagy only works if they back the openent into a postion where they can't counterattack or have a buddy attack MC from behind.

[–] helpImTrappedOnline 7 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Huh, I didnt expect to see Intel or Realtek stuff in there.

The iCloud one is funny and oddly specific. Its like a "fuck you for using both Apple and Facebook crap"

[–] helpImTrappedOnline 8 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Heliboard (keyboard) just released on F-Droid. (Its the continuation of Openboard which is no longer maintained.)

Netgaurd - blocks apps from acessing WiFi or cell. Great for crippling spyware and getting misc apps with background updates to be WiFi only.

I use K-9 Mail for email. Eventually its going to be taken over by Thunderbird to become their long over due mobile client.

I've been checking F-droid first for miscilanous utilities I need, such as a .txt editor or PDF viewer.

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