
joined 2 years ago
Rules Updates and AI (self.finalfantasy)
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by helloharu to c/finalfantasy

While we had refrained from putting rules in place for AI prior to this, the activity on the community had shown there was little need to worry. We watched the reaction to the recent thread pointing this out and had to carefully consider how we manage the change that majority wanted.

We've updated and clarified each of our rules that we have laid out. This covers a number of points made within that recent thread regarding AI, as well as issues and concerns we've faced before. There are also some other pre-emptive rules to prevent spam and low-effort posts.

The new full set of rules can be found here: https://lemmy.world/post/21386826 or can be found at any time in the sidebar.

To be explicit, we're implementing a ban on most AI covered in Rule 3. iii. which we've quoted below.

iii. Fan created content is allowed as long as it falls inline with all other rules, with the exception of AI-generated content, which is not allowed outside of mods (e.g. Moguri Mod).

We won't be retroactively be removing AI posts, or banning those users. However it will be enforced from today (29th October). Rules are also set and will not be updated for the foreseeable now we have clarified what is in place. We (mods) will not be discussing them any further.

[–] helloharu 6 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

We've updated and clarified each of our rules that we have laid out. This covers a number of points made within this thread, as well as issues and concerns we've faced before. There are also some other pre-emptive rules to prevent spam and low-effort posts.

The new full set of rules can be found here: https://lemmy.world/post/21386826 or can be found at any time in the sidebar.

As such, we're also implementing a ban on most AI covered in Rule 3. iii.

iii. Fan created content is allowed as long as it falls inline with all other rules, with the exception of AI-generated content, which is not allowed outside of mods (e.g. Moguri Mod).

We won't be retroactively be removing AI posts, or banning those users. However it will be enforced from today (29th October).

This thread will not be closed, and anyone wishing to continue discussing it are more than welcome.

Community Rules (self.finalfantasy)
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by helloharu to c/finalfantasy

Community Rules

Community rules are in place not only to protect the community, but also to make it as enjoyable place for everyone who wishes to be part of it.


  1. Be civil and respectful.
  2. Mark all spoilers.
  3. No spam or low-effort posts.
  4. No NSFW content.
  5. Keep it Final Fantasy related.

Community Rules In Full

1. Be civil and respectful

Having a civil and respectful community is vital for creating an environment for all to enjoy. The below will not be tolerated under any circumstances;

  • i. Abusive language or personal attacks, whether you are the instigator or not.
  • ii. Hate speech in any form, including but not limited to; racism, homophobia and transphobia.
  • iii. Doxing, or witch-hunts will not only result in a permanent ban, we will report offenders to admins.

2. Mark all spoilers

Final Fantasy may have been around for 40 years, but there are still large numbers of people who are new to a particular game or the franchise as a whole. Ensuring those who are new to Final Fantasy, are also able to enjoy the games they play is important. To help with this, we have the following rules around spoilers;

  • i. Spoiler protections will be enforced across all titles, no matter the age of the game. This includes oft discussed aspects, such as character deaths in FFVII and Rebirth.
  • ii. Posts containing spoilers must be labelled, and titled as such.
  • iii. Images that contain spoilers should be marked as such. Because Lemmy currently does not provide spoiler specific functionality, spoiler image posts should be marked as NSFW.
  • iv. Remakes and Remasters are not excluded from these rules.
  • v. Upon the release of a new game, a Mega Thread will be created for all discussions related to that game. For a month starting from the release date, any new discussion posts will be removed and creators will be directed to the Mega Thread. An exception will be made for artists and cosplayers as long as the content does not contain spoilers.

3. No spam or low-effort posts

Spam is the bane of any communication method, and community. Low-effort posts

  • i. Advertisements, and posts with referral links will be removed.
  • ii. Promotional content, or offsite promotion, outside official streams is not allowed, with the following exceptions;
    • Charity streams.
    • Videos or other content documenting events such as a Fan Fest or conference, meetings with actors, producers, or interviews.
    • Content which shows off non-standard content like glitches, errors, etc.
    • Giveaways are discretionary and must be approved by admins and moderators beforehand. Any that are not approved will be treated as spam and promotional material.
  • iii. Fan created content is allowed as long as it falls inline with all other rules, with the exception of AI-generated content, which is not allowed outside of mods (e.g. Moguri Mod).
  • iv. Shitposting will fall under low-effort rules.
  • v. Though memes can be considered low effort, we will allow them at the discretion of mods. However, you should consider using [email protected] for meme content instead.
  • vi. No "Mods, can you please..." or sidebar flavour text suggestion posts. (If you need to talk to the mods, message us.)

4. No NSFW content


5. Keep it Final Fantasy related

Off topic or unrelated content to Final Fantasy is not allowed. We include other Square-Enix titles such as Kingdom Hearts in this rule, so users should other communities such as [email protected] and any other available franchise communities.

We (mods) reserve the right to alter and enact these rules as required. This may mean adding, changing or removing rules as the community changes.

[–] helloharu 5 points 4 months ago

This may not be too dissimilar to an approach we end up taking. We’ve seen the response to this post so looking further into how others are tackling this issue.

[–] helloharu 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I’ll be honest I’m not familiar with the mechanics of MTG - I’ve never taken the time to get to know that aspect of the game. The artwork they’ve shown so far looks great though, so its definitely captured my interest more, even more so now you’ve mentioned a possibility of Akihiko Yoshida being on bored.

What’s a “standard-legal set”?

[–] helloharu 1 points 4 months ago

This is such a great find. Thanks for sharing it.


Preview and sign up for Magic The Gathering Final Fantasy.

[–] helloharu 1 points 4 months ago

I’m looking forward to this one.

[–] helloharu 5 points 5 months ago

To be fair, I’ve never seen anything come close to Amanos illustratative work.

[–] helloharu 4 points 5 months ago

Is there a space on your shelf for one of these cubes?

Honestly, no. Square Enix in recent years have introduced so much acrylic crap for fans and collectors, and it mostly looks like cheap tat. To me this is just another set of junk to add to the pile.

[–] helloharu 5 points 5 months ago

The setup looks great, good job!

[–] helloharu 3 points 5 months ago

Isn't it just. It absolutely is a good deal. I will be recommending this to anyone I speak to thats started after the expansion.

[–] helloharu 5 points 5 months ago (1 children)

My vote has to go to the super storms in Horizon Forbidden West. They're pretty incredible as they pass over. It's just a shame they're so rare and stop after a certain point in the game.



They were pre-order bonus items for Endwalker. A great addition for anyone that missed them and wants that boost.

[–] helloharu 2 points 5 months ago

Yeah that happened due to copy-paste from Discord message in the announcement. Changed it anyway so should be more readable for all.


Accord’s Library is a site that aims to archive and gather all of Yoko Taro’s work.

Full text from their Discord announcement below:

Dearest Recorders and Observers of Accord's Library.

These past few years have been a pleasure, but we regret to inform you all that we've been contacted by the Square Enix Legal Team. And after some private communications, based on the outlined requirements we have come to the conclusion that Accord's Library must close its doors by the end of the month. While we are sad to have to go, we also must respect the wishes of the Legal Team.

The Library and Gallery will remain opened for the next 2 weeks and will be officially closed on Oct 31.

We hope to continue spending time with you all, and other fans in the future through our Discord Server, which we plan to keep opened.

On behalf of the entire Council for Accord's Library, we sincerely thank you for your support and friendship over the years. We hope that you will continue to use the discord, though we understand if this is where we part ways.

From the very bottom of our hearts, we will be forever grateful to everyone who's volunteered their time to help build Accord's Library into what it was. Thank you to all of our Transcribers, Translators, and most of all, all of you for sticking with us.

Take care of yourselves out there. Glory to Mankind.

  • The Accord's Library Council

Full Text:

Wait, wait, wait! Everybody calm down! There seems to be some misunderstanding, but I'm not retiring from video game music work!

I'm going to cut back a bit on my video game music work because I want to have more time to make the music I want to make. It would be difficult for me to take on the entire soundtrack of a video game because the time commitment for composing would be too long, but I would like to continue to work on jobs such as one theme song.

So, we are waiting for your offer to Nobuo Uematsu con TIKI!


Full Text:

Wait, wait, wait! Everybody calm down! There seems to be some misunderstanding, but I'm not retiring from video game music work!

I'm going to cut back a bit on my video game music work because I want to have more time to make the music I want to make. It would be difficult for me to take on the entire soundtrack of a video game because the time commitment for composing would be too long, but I would like to continue to work on jobs such as one theme song.

So, we are waiting for your offer to Nobuo Uematsu con TIKI!

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