this post was submitted on 29 Oct 2024
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Final Fantasy

1118 readers
2 users here now

A place to discuss all things Final Fantasy.

Praise be to Yevon


  1. Be civil and respectful.
  2. Mark all spoilers.
  3. No spam or low-effort posts.
  4. No NSFW content.
  5. Keep it Final Fantasy related.

[Rules in Full]

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c/FinalFantasy Elsewhere


founded 2 years ago
Community Rules (self.finalfantasy)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by helloharu to c/finalfantasy

Community Rules

Community rules are in place not only to protect the community, but also to make it as enjoyable place for everyone who wishes to be part of it.


  1. Be civil and respectful.
  2. Mark all spoilers.
  3. No spam or low-effort posts.
  4. No NSFW content.
  5. Keep it Final Fantasy related.

Community Rules In Full

1. Be civil and respectful

Having a civil and respectful community is vital for creating an environment for all to enjoy. The below will not be tolerated under any circumstances;

  • i. Abusive language or personal attacks, whether you are the instigator or not.
  • ii. Hate speech in any form, including but not limited to; racism, homophobia and transphobia.
  • iii. Doxing, or witch-hunts will not only result in a permanent ban, we will report offenders to admins.

2. Mark all spoilers

Final Fantasy may have been around for 40 years, but there are still large numbers of people who are new to a particular game or the franchise as a whole. Ensuring those who are new to Final Fantasy, are also able to enjoy the games they play is important. To help with this, we have the following rules around spoilers;

  • i. Spoiler protections will be enforced across all titles, no matter the age of the game. This includes oft discussed aspects, such as character deaths in FFVII and Rebirth.
  • ii. Posts containing spoilers must be labelled, and titled as such.
  • iii. Images that contain spoilers should be marked as such. Because Lemmy currently does not provide spoiler specific functionality, spoiler image posts should be marked as NSFW.
  • iv. Remakes and Remasters are not excluded from these rules.
  • v. Upon the release of a new game, a Mega Thread will be created for all discussions related to that game. For a month starting from the release date, any new discussion posts will be removed and creators will be directed to the Mega Thread. An exception will be made for artists and cosplayers as long as the content does not contain spoilers.

3. No spam or low-effort posts

Spam is the bane of any communication method, and community. Low-effort posts

  • i. Advertisements, and posts with referral links will be removed.
  • ii. Promotional content, or offsite promotion, outside official streams is not allowed, with the following exceptions;
    • Charity streams.
    • Videos or other content documenting events such as a Fan Fest or conference, meetings with actors, producers, or interviews.
    • Content which shows off non-standard content like glitches, errors, etc.
    • Giveaways are discretionary and must be approved by admins and moderators beforehand. Any that are not approved will be treated as spam and promotional material.
  • iii. Fan created content is allowed as long as it falls inline with all other rules, with the exception of AI-generated content, which is not allowed outside of mods (e.g. Moguri Mod).
  • iv. Shitposting will fall under low-effort rules.
  • v. Though memes can be considered low effort, we will allow them at the discretion of mods. However, you should consider using [email protected] for meme content instead.
  • vi. No "Mods, can you please..." or sidebar flavour text suggestion posts. (If you need to talk to the mods, message us.)

4. No NSFW content


5. Keep it Final Fantasy related

Off topic or unrelated content to Final Fantasy is not allowed. We include other Square-Enix titles such as Kingdom Hearts in this rule, so users should other communities such as [email protected] and any other available franchise communities.

We (mods) reserve the right to alter and enact these rules as required. This may mean adding, changing or removing rules as the community changes.

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