Interesting. I’ll give it a look.
I’m not familiar with the rust replacement
Exactly. That’s ultimately why I skipped Debian and went with Ubuntu
We watched the first episode today. It wasn’t exactly what we expected. I guess I expected they’d be more, able or prepared than they seem to be going in so far, but I liked how they were just trying to figure shit out.
So based on one episode, I’m still interested in the story
That’s pretty cool!
That is far and away my favorite scene in any movie ever. It’s just so perfect
I’m diving in. I set up gitea on my server. Now I need to learn how to use git with gitea.
My wife and I are excited to watch this!
It’s a shell of its former self. I miss Gina Tripani era Lifehacker.
This is why I stopped using rss. I fucking hate seeing an headline I’m interested in, clicking to expand and then having to click through to the site to read the article, dismiss the goddam email list overlay, fight with the stupid paywall, and then close the tab out of frustration.
I miss the days of actually reading articles in my rss feed reader.
Also haven’t had any login issues on my m1 mini (14.2.1). Haven’t had to log in since the initial login at install.
+1 for audiobookshelf. It’s amazing.