Makes sense. I've thought for a while that takedowns like double legs should be able to he defended with a knee and that people on their back should be able to defend with kicks a la Anderson Silva/Yushin Okami 1.
This is what is known in the betting industry as "chasing your losses" and is a warning sign of a problem gambler who requires an intervention.
And what paradise do you live?
Guys who are winning vast sums in these Grand Prix' probably don't feel they're wasting their careers more than those making 10k on the prelims in the Apex
I very much believe he hasn't read it. In fact I'd be surprised if anyone in his circle of cronies has read it. It's so badly written.
It's a stream of consciousness completely devoid of structure. Sentences drag out for five lines and paragraphs go on for more than a page. There is often a change of subject along the way, forcing you to go back and re-read the garbage you couldn't hold onto the first time around.
It took me four weeks to get halfway through and I'm quite an avid reader.
It's still got the number of fingers wrong
To my reading, it's dog whistle racist. That is, you know it's racist without mentioning race. So it's not "straight up racist as fuck" but it is "racist as fuck".
I thought it was a comment on the US until I looked at where it was posted
I thought Alexandria Ocasio Cortez had done something scandalous at first reading
This has probably been posted and upvoted by people who put salad on the same plate as a roast dinner.
No way Jones fights him. Aspinall is taller, younger and actually moves better than him. He'll chat shit on twitter for a year before agreeing to a fight which he'll pull out of.
Moicano tools the fatty