I miss Firefox's Live Bookmarks feature.
I dunno what this Joe Rogan is, but it sounds just like Raditz.
I think Durians would be more memorable, especially if you smash them a bit and let them start rotting before you drop them off.
They're untrainable and we can't get rid of them. They're just like the *thump* *thump* *thump* from that one song.
And everything within a couple feet of it, too?
Only if you leave it there.
Maybe you should try getting yourself something nice from Bad Dragon?
Okay, the all 4 wheels thing is a good idea, but turning on rear only is a horrible idea. Here's why:
Let's ignore which end is front and which end is back. You've got a box. Two of the wheels swivel around, and the other two don't. Try pulling that box behind you, using only one hand, from the end with the fixed wheels. Thing goes all over the place, and you can't control it. Pull it from the end with the swivel wheels, and it just follows your hand.
Now push that box from the end with the swiveling wheels. You have to make huge movements to keep it going straight, and in order to make it go left, you gotta shove that sucker way over to the right. Pushing it from the end with the fixed wheels is much simpler. Push box left, box go left. Push box right, box go right. Much easier for meltybrain cave man to figure out.
Meh, I was never going to buy their shitty crap anyway.
He's just resting.
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I'm just now finding out that drag was banned and was a troll and not just some novelty rando that I'd see in comments every now and then.