
joined 8 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Welp, looks like "The war between the land and the sea" starts production in September?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

That JJ who is part of the panel is going to become showrunner one day for sure.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 day ago

Huh. There is a worrying lack of license information, yes. I didn't even notice.

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by [email protected] to c/fediverse

No conflict of interest, I only saw the poject via Mastodon.

From the website:

Fediverse, Mastodon, and beyond

Gorgeous album pages

Audio streaming

Tour dates and tickets

Music discovery? Online sales? Analytics? There's a lot more in store as the community grows.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 day ago (8 children)

Yeah, but we're not looking at the root cause here. Their purpose is to train energy glutton, error prone "AI" even if experience teaches us that those ML models fuck up more often than confirmation bias allows.

"AI" is a bourgeoise and Capitalist tool and, same as with cryptocurrency, we cannot dismantle the master's house with the master's tools. Fuck AI down the drain. Make things with your own minds, your own hands.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago (2 children)

First, I'm fairly sure both the Beeb and the Mouse Corp are watching Doctor Who ratings on a much wider timescale than the armchair analysts, worrywarts and doomsayers out there.

I don't know how long Disney secured distribution rights for but with their penchant for hoarding IPs they might even be in for a long game of securing international rights for the entire series back catalogue when they expire with other parties. Star Wars, the MCU — they know from experience what kind of synergy a 60 year franchise can build when it's collected in one place.

Second, though, we'll have to see if Disney'll invest in the spinoffs right away. I'd love to see that "War between the land and the sea" thing materialise, whatever it is, and it sounds like Bad Wolf have been setting it up. As for the UNIT show, if that's even separate from the other spinoff... at least the primary set is already built?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

Aww! See, that's how you cultivate a new audience! And while our hero Eric is hard to beat, Captain Popsicle was my MVP after the latest rewatch.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 days ago

It's also skewing the history lesson to peddle cryptocurrency. Not all information is equal.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 days ago

This reads like a whole lot of research was boiled down to fit the "barely an article" constraints of a casual news outlet. The outline is all over the place but seems well-intended; it's just not clear what information we're supposed to take away from this.

Kudos for mentioning GNU Social, Zot and Diaspora, but I'm not really sure any of them are relevant anymore?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Having rewatched the series, I think Space babies actually stands up pretty well despite all the "for all you new viewers out there" lore dumps. The babies are adorable if slightly weird, the snot monster is ... just the right amount of disgusting, and the fart joke is perfectly Doctor Who to me.

Does it have Mel, Kate or Morris Gibbons? No, but storywise I'll rank it higher than Empire of death for now.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

Yeah, in terms of seasons they're sort of in between. My point is that Ruby Road was Ncuti's first proper episode, our introduction to Ruby, and really is the beginning of the season's story arc (unless you want to go back to Wild blue yonder for the salt and superstition seeding).

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

Different strokes, I guess. To me the discomfort of the unexplained in 73 yards is the source of (mild, child friendly) horror that drives the episode, and makes the story stick with you. 🤷

Rogue was a terrific throwback to fun, slightly bizarre period romps, but apart from introducing a new love interest for the Doctor I think it sits nicely in a third place? Now, if it had had full body holograms of all past Doctors gyrating to "Can't get you out of my head" along with 15 I'd rank it higher...


From the tense landmine of Boom to uncovering the events of the night that Ruby was born in Empire of Death, this season of Doctor Who certainly had it all – but which episode was the best?

Well, we posed that exact question to RadioTimes.com readers, who have responded in their droves.

With the likes of Space Babies, The Devil's Chord, Dot and Bubble and all the other season 14 episodes to choose from, there was one clear winner.

After more than 4,000+ votes in total, [redacted] was the winner of the best episode in our exclusive poll.


  1. 73 Yards - 1,290 votes
  2. Boom - 1,040 votes
  3. Rogue - 595 votes
  4. Dot and Bubble - 487 votes
  5. The Legend of Ruby Sunday - 374 votes
  6. The Devil's Chord - 217 votes
  7. Empire of Death - 127 votes
  8. Space Babies - 37 votes


The Doctor's granddaughter has been teased on screen throughout this recent season, fan theories abound and original actor Carole Ann Ford has stated she'd be happy to reappear on the show.

Let's assume that there is a reunion with Susan coming up; that would be exciting in itself, but narratively, how do you think it will be set up? Does the Doctor seek her out or will Susan find her grandfather first?

More to the point, "the Doctor finally sees Susan again" is just a story beat — how do you imagine the larger science fantasy story context surrounding it? Feel free to fanfic an entire episode plot or season arc if you want 🙂


I've used Openbox as a minimal DE replacement for years, with Tint2 as panel and pseudo launcher. When I switched to EndeavourOS a couple of years ago Rofi came pre-installed along with those as window switcher, search and app launcher.

At the time it seemed superfluous and I just flat out uninstalled it, but now I'm coming around to maybe ditching Tint2 (and the stodgy old JGmenu that EndeavourOS uses) in favour of using Rofi as a search based launcher and menu.

I can imagine it'll be an abrupt transition but my question for the more seasoned Rofi users out there is, what should I look out for and what are your immediate caveats?


In amongst the exciting teasers and promo tidbits ahead of the new season, for some reason I find this deep cut of production lore one of the most entertaining:

Ncuti Gatwa was adamant that he grow his moustache back for the part of the Doctor, having shaved for years to play a teenager in Sex education. But there was a short overlap where he was filming both shows simultaneously — so he would have to be cleanshaven for the first shoots of Doctor Who, too. Barring the weird Henry Cavill CGI upper lip retouch, how would the crew solve this?

"Bella [Arghiros], my make-up artist, would present me with a little bag of pubes every morning," he explains. He doesn’t mean this literally, but he and Gibson are now laughing so much they can barely get the words out. "I went through the process of sticking them on for two months," he says.

"Trimming them," whoops Gibson. "Between every take," adds Gatwa. "As they flap off in the wind. I’m chasing a monster and the director says, 'We’ll have to go again because his moustache is half off.' So when it grew back, I felt very liberated."

The actors' giddiness goes a long way selling this anecdote... If the new season is half as fun as they seem to have had making it, it'll be [Eccleston impersonation] fantastic!


“I knew instantly you can never play Beatles songs on screen because the copyright is too expensive. So I’m thinking, ‘How would you do a Beatles episode without Beatles music?’ And that becomes the entire plot,” Davies explains. “That’s where the idea came from – copyright law!”


This one has a little less of the timey wimey temporal paradoxes than the Disney trailer a week ago, but it still manages to span a wide section of time and (relative dimensions in) space.

We get a bit more of Jinkx Monsoon here, another Bridgerton name check — and I think we can confirm the Doctor taking the mic for another song and dance sequence in the 1960s... All fun and games on a background of some apocalyptic, spacey wacey goings on. Honestly, the Doctor's promise to Ruby's mum that he can keep her safe is starting to sound a little strained.

The season episode titles have also been released:

  1. Space Babies
  2. The Devil's Chord
  3. Boom
  4. 73 Yards
  5. Dot and Bubble
  6. Rogue
  7. The Legend of Ruby Sunday
  8. Empire of Death

Other notes:

  • Episodes 1 and 2 will air on the same day, 11 May.
  • Episode 2 seems to be the one featuring Monsoon as a musically themed baddie.
  • Episode 3 is penned by Steven Moffat, and RTD has given the cryptic teaser "Antelope. Moment. Drums." The director of the episode adds "Hitchcockian" as the writer's cue to her.
  • Episode 6 is our Regency period story, written by Kate Herron and Briony Redman (both coming off Loki, so anybody want to bet they have their time travel right?)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/doctorwho

This new trailer from Disney+ gives us a lot more to look forward to — and speculate about!

Looks like the RTD/Bad Wolf team aims to blow viewers' minds. I'm not going to spoil anything here, but go nuts in the comments 🥳

[Edited the subject to correct the season number. This is season 1 of a new show (same continuity as the old show), not season 14 of the previously-new show which is now the less-old-but-not-entirely-new-Who.]

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/doctorwho

Just released to the Doctor Who youtube channel, with the announcement (excerpted):

Are you ready for this? 😉 Watch Doctor Who from the 11th May on BBC iPlayer in the UK and stream on Disney+ where available. Find out more here: https://bbc.in/4a5c1vA

I guess this is what RTD was teasing the other day on Instagram...


A short while back the BBC added a batch of new/never before seen scripts to their Doctor Who database, including the 60th specials. Tucked away at the tail end of "The giggle" is an alternate ending scene featuring Wilfred Mott that the late Bernard Cribbins didn't shoot before his demise:

THE DOCTOR And Grandad, where is he?

SYLVIA He’s off, shooting moles.

From offstage, a BANG!

SYLVIA (CONT’D) There he goes.

And all TURN to look.

There’s WILF, in his WHEELCHAIR, buzzing across the lawn, with a SHOTGUN.

WILF I’ll get ‘em! Don’t you worry, Doctor! You stay there! I’ll get the little..!

ALL laughing, except Rose.

ROSE Leave them alone!

WILF I will never surrender!

And Wilf glides away. All turn back to each other.

THE DOCTOR Don’t worry, I gave the moles a forcefield. Love the moles.

Here's to things left undone, Mr Cribbins. You live on in our hearts.


[Tom] Baker, who famously played the Time Lord from 1974 to 1981, will be reprising the role this April. His Doctor joins the Paternoster Gang as they fight intergalactic crime in the latest entry to the Trespassers series.

He joins the cast made up of Neve McIntosh as great detective Madame Vastra, Catrin Stewart as her spouse Jenny Flint and Dan Starkey as their loyal valet Strax.

McIntosh added: "Acting with Tom Baker has been something I've wanted to do for so long. He was my Doctor growing up, from when I was hiding behind the sofa."

I'm thrilled TBH, I thought the chemistry between McIntosh, Stewart and Starkey made the previous Paternoster Gang sets some of the most campily enjoyable BF work I've heard. Add Tom Baker, even in his old age... Woof, this'll be good!


The podcast, which will start releasing weekly on Saturdays from March 2024, will showcase fan-favourite stories from Big Finish’s back catalogue, presented in episodic, 30-minute instalments.

Each episode will feature a brand-new introduction read by Sixth Doctor star Colin Baker, and will also include behind-the-scenes interviews, with the podcast being available via all podcast platforms, with listeners able to stream it for free with ads.

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