I had no idea it was standard. I had heard they had issues with it not being able to handle certain constructs so they were working on getting it to a place it would perform better. Has this changed? I'm not a rust person, but I intend to be. I've barely made it 1/4th way into the book (just started in the past month and I've been busy), but I have a good background in programming and so far it's been super easy. I'm really enjoying how specific the compiler is, and the binary sizes vs Go.
No offense taken we all have different knowledge and background. I have a general understanding of podman, but now I'm going to go play with it a bit at some point and get more familiar with it.
Docker is Apache 2.0 licensed. It is open source. Or at least all of the important parts. I'm not sure about docker desktop. It's partly that I just have a lot of experience with docker, and partly just that it's what is supported in most projects' documentation. The fact that a lot of the Linux foundation training uses docker is another reason I've got more experience with it.
As far as what you are talking about people have been trying for years. The Pirate Bay wanted to develop a new method of being entirely decentralized. Odysee is working on something like blockchain/torrents combined that is very interesting. We have I2P and TOR which have some of the features you mention. I'd love to see it happen where the big companies didn't control things.
There is progress though. https://letsencrypt.org/ is non-profit, and there are a variety of open source projects using this to automate TLS certificate signing.
Check out https://www.sigstore.dev/how-it-works and pay special attention to Fulcio and Rekor. It's not for web certs, but it's still a very interesting take on a certificate authority.
There's no technical reason what you are saying couldn't work. It just comes down to how do you trust it, and if you can't at all, it doesn't do much good anyway. That's the problem to be solved. You could compromise somewhere in the middle but then you have to work out what is acceptable. I suppose the level of trust could be configurable, with different nodes earning a different level of trust, and you could configure your accepted levels for DNS or CA. It's an interesting idea.
and gofmt
are the best. One of the reasons if I have a choice I'll code in go. I heard rumblings that rust was working towards having rustfmt be a standard crate.
I'm on bookworm now myself. Check this out https://forum.greenbone.net/t/external-access-to-gsa-web-interface-ip/1671/4 and thanks I'll let you know if I run into trouble!
I think my issue was I was building it on a debian 11 bullseye. I managed to get all the individual pieces built and running, there was just one piece missing and I can't remember which now. I'll certainly give it a go. Someone just sent me a kvm build of debian sid just for that reason in fact! I believe they are working on the gvm debian package.
Thanks :) Exactly. I do a lot of development and testing in an alpine linux container, simply because it has much newer versions of libraries and musl c. If I can get it to compile there, and on debian, I'm in good shape as far as compatibility goes. I used to really enjoy Arch and the rolling updates when I was younger, but I've gotten to where I don't want to mess with things constantly changing.
I use python venv for nearly everything I do python, and the way go is setup does make it extremely easy since it uses a per user environment anyway.
I knew that worked for a lot of stuff. That used to be what I'd try first but I honestly just use a venv for pretty much anything that uses pip nowadays. Still helpful to know there is a package though thanks! I intend to test it out.
Hugo is a static website generator used frequently for blogs. hugo bear blog is just one of the themes for it I happened to like so I used it. It does build reactive sites so that they look good on a phone or a pc.
Yes you can! I've attempted on debian before but it's something like 12 components you have to build and configure and I ran into some issues. It's been a while though and I don't remember exactly what gave me trouble. I know I had issues at one point due to the host not having enough ram. If you don't have at least 8 gigs it's not going to be happy. At least in my experience.
Let me know how it goes though and what distro you use.
They have pretty good documentation.
😱 I had no idea. I just went and read through that wow. I hope they don't sell to someone scummy.
I could have swore I tried it. facepalm I'll check that out then I might edit that part.
I second the people that said lineage OS. I am using it right now. I got this Nord phone because I knew they were easy to tinker with. I used it a bit and ended up with a newer galaxy. Well after I put lineage on the Nord every problem it had went away. Excellent battery life, runs smoothly, weekly security patches if I want etc. One thing that helped a lot was the "Aurora" app store. Let's you install apps anonymously from the play store without requiring google services. Many of them won't work due to the no google services, but a surprising amount of stuff does just fine even if it complains about it.