It says it's about the times you only go to urinate, not to also poo. And I can't think of a reason I'd ever sit in that case
One of my problems is that I often do get work done, just the wrong work. I can't bring myself to do the work I'm supposed to be doing, and end up doing doing something I wasn't supposed to do, but at least it's still work I guess
I've seen many pretty small waterfalls though, how do you count this‽
That's a bit misleading to say like that. Go to the website, scroll to the footer and click on "Legal". Your instance,, has a legal notice, with a privacy contact person, mentioning you can request data erasure, and detailing where your data goes. Mine,, has a number of in depth legal documents attached there.
However, yes, other instances they are federated with might not take it as seriously though, and if all your data is going there too, then that's a hole in your data privacy.
Okay fuck, you got me
Y is only sometimes a vowel: when it forms a vowel sound in a word.
In the case of "dry, crypt and dryly", we could perhaps spell them "drie, cript and drielee" if we wish to see where those more familiar vowel sounds exist in those words.
== is a heathen with no rightful place except equality to null. All praise ===
People equate maths to programming, but I think if it more as a creative, problem solving field. Most real world coding problems don't have a precise single correct way to solve them; it's more like architecting a building: you have multiple goals and a lot of freedom in how you achieve them and to what degree
Like my oven clock. Six buttons with cryptic symbols on them. You can press them, push them and hold multiple buttons together and it does different things with different equally cryptic symbols appearing on the LCD. Sometimes somebody accidently pushes a button and it gets stuck in a weird state where it refuses to cook. At least I've worked out the correct key combo to set the current time
This is the plot of a Rick and Morty episode
That road must've been deliberately named with this is mind, surely