Not when it comes to rentoids. If you give them an inch, they take a mile.
You gotta keep them on their toes and remind them their place.
Landphobia is the bigotry and intolerance towards landownership and People of Land. People of Land (PoL) is one of the most marginalised minority groups in modern day society and is constantly subject to microaggressions (e.g. not paying rent plus tip on time); hateful bigotry (e.g. ‘being a landlord is not a rEaL jOb’); and at times even systemic discriminations such as property tax and eviction moratoriums.
Sad! 😢
c/drama is like the leftwing outcast brother of r/drama, r/deuxrama, r/zweirama, r/dtama, r/dosrama, and
Maybe the USA should stop raising criminals
Lmao that's hilarious! Saved