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[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

It doesn’t make sense which is why people believe Google has ulterior motives. I haven’t seen any real reason not to use jxl as the new format; but I also haven’t looked that far into it. ¯\(ツ)

[–] [email protected] 6 points 5 months ago

You might have grabbed the wrong iso. There are two ISOs for Ubuntu, one is desktop which comes with a desktop and the other is server which only comes with a text console.

You can install a desktop onto a server image if necessary, however I would recommend just using a desktop iso and don’t bother with adding on and setting up all the desktop software.

If you want to be able to select text, copy and paste, I just SSH from Windows Terminal or Mac iTerm2

Alternatively if it is a desktop iso then you might have accidentally installed a package that broke things or have gone a tty interface. There’s so many different possibilities it’s going to be hard to help more.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 5 months ago

Destiny was doing fine until clearly expansion/content gear was put into the mtx store. Then the whole content vaulting happened and everything went down hill.

The content vault was done to reduce storage space requirements by removing the main story and multiple planets. The story put in to replace the base story made little sense and was just badly designed. In effect this meant the base game (previously paid content) and paid expansion content was removed. No refunds or anything as the policy you sign to play says they can remove content at will.

[–] [email protected] 27 points 5 months ago

Didn’t this happen to a Walmart in a small town? The Walmart took over all the small business and employed most of them, so when they pulled out of the area because of theft it took all the remaining jobs away?

Daily Mail Link

I found this article but it’s daily mail and doesn’t talk in depth about it.

I think this might be it? However it doesn’t comment on loss of local jobs…

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

Not sure but you can have the back camera led flash when you get a notification at least.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I mean yes they all build off each other. However, the basis for all science is logic? You take logic and observation and you use math and other previously proved physics ideas to create concrete proofs, then use more logic and observation to prove your findings. Repeat forever.

However, I said computer science, which outside of the physical hardware it’s entirely just math and logic. Yes, when trying to get performance the logic you look at includes the hardware and all its design and limitations. However, it’s not needed for most people or even this conversation. It’s an included practice when talking about computer science and isn’t necessary to mention it.

Pure computer science is entirely about using the hardware given and making logical decisions utilizing math to move and generate data in efficient ways. Some intersection occurs here when trying to do say, realistic physics simulations, RNA folding simulation, molecular simulation, etc. Those do inform each other but mostly about how to reduce the math complexity while still generating accurate enough data.

For the person designing CPUs and all the support hardware, then physics influences their designs by a lot which is where the real intersections begin.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago (3 children)

Logic is the entire concept and point of Computer Science which builds completely on top of math.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago

Future of AI is definitely going towards Manager/Agent model. It allows for an AI to handle all the tasks without keeping it to one model or method. We’re already seeing this with ChatGPT using Mathematica for math questions. Soon we can see art AI using different models and methods based on text input.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

I have 1440p and I really like it except from the scaling artifacts. Anything that’s 1080p or 4K has to be scaled up and down and since 1440p isn’t the same ratio pixels have to be lost or generated.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago

Exactly? From an iPhone users viewpoint the android phone is forcing them to use sms. I go on to say Apple is to blame.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

Depending on their training they essentially think adult ≠ adhd.

The easiest way to get a proper diagnosis is to imply that you were seriously tested for adhd/other neurodivergence as a child.

I’ve noticed that because of current understanding and research for adults are minimized due to people’s naturally tendency to develop coping mechanisms as they get older. So by saying you showed signs as a child they may take the time and actually listen to what you have to say. Definitely don’t lie but insist that you showed some signs as a child, and talk about issues you have today and steer them away from asking about details you had as a kid. I’d bet you did have some signs as a kid but you can’t remember/people didn’t notice. Remember a lot of these symptoms are related and could easily just be due to anxiety or well anxiety idk.

For me personally I was tested as a kid but had my medical record essentially wiped and my parents didn’t want me in any “special” classes. The schools I went to definitely had no handle on how to treat basically any neurodivergence other than stick everybody in the same class.

Another way is too force a recommendation from your doctor to a testing facility, psychiatrist, or therapist. And hopefully they’ll listen to you and get a good diagnosis. It probably won’t be covered by insurance and I’ve seen prices range from $500 to $2000 so make sure to ask. Some testing facilities technically brake the law by not informing you that’s it’s not covered under insurance, so make sure you get in writing that your exact insurance is covered. Not just x company accepts it but your exact insurance plan.

[–] [email protected] -3 points 8 months ago (6 children)

I’m pretty confident the blue and green colors have nothing to do with it. It’s simply the difficulties of using sms (or at least how Apple implements sms). iMessage allows much higher quality videos/images to be sent and enables group chats to be dynamic where people can be added and removed at will. On iOS sms group chats have to be made with every member in it at creation, if you want to add another person or remove a person then you have to make a whole new group chat. Compound this with iPhone dominance in North America it often presents an annoyance where the single android user forces all the iPhone users to use sms and all the difficulties/reduced features it comes with.

WhatsApp, Telegram, and whatever chat app isn’t used in NA because it’s just harder to convince someone to download and make an account. Why should a user download another chat app? Why isn’t iMessage (sms) app good enough? Usually I’ve seen people just use instagram to chat with android users because sms is just so bad (at least on iOS, I’ve heard some things about how android works around the limitations).

Yes Apple could implement better sms features but they won’t.

So don’t just parrot “it’s because of the colors” it’s most likely due to users association with past experiences of “green chat bubbles”.

Apple is still to blame here but it’s not because users are scared. Most iPhone users or phone users in general just want it to work and never think about what features they’re missing. Asking/convincing someone to download yet another app and set up yet another account to yet again be spammed by emails, texts, phone calls is just too much for a majority of people who are used to the simplicity of iMessage. It comes with your phone, you make a single Apple account, and it just works™.

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