Generally to be "in-demand", you need about 6 years of experience & highly desirable certifications (at least one security cert such as sec+ or CASP, dns-related cert such as Infoblox CDCA, and typically something else like cloud engineering or maybe automation engineering related). Getting into DNS is usually something that happens after you've already been an enterprise network engineer for a number of years. It's highly specialized and rather difficult.
Not possible. While AI can theoretically do the job, error is too expensive. AI already does much of my work, but I have to make risk assessment & I run the automation systems. I already automate much of my daily work. But when big stuff breaks, automation won't fix it.
Any company that is willing to fire me to save costs isn't worth working for. The job is so in-demand that if I put "looking for a job" in my linked-in, I get multiple offers within the hour. Not even joking. That's how I got my current job.
DNS engineer here.
It's always DNS because no one wants to hire us. We're prima donnas that don't work much and demand large salaries. Companies think they can get away with having some random network guy "learn a bit of DNS" and it works!!... For a while... Then it fails catestrophically and the DNS engineer that was let go to "save costs" smugly watches them crash and burn. The job is super easy and simple until you're 48 hours into troubleshooting and the CTO is lighting money on fire trying to get the network back online. A big company can easily burn a DNS engineers 10 years salary in costs if they have a single large DNS failure (security or downtime).
As a Pathfinder GM, I'd love to be able to have gpt generate spooky/gory/horror themes for me to take inspiration from. Right now I have to battle the filter.
If you ask for extra cinco-de-mayonnaise and wash it down with a happy hour taco-rita, then it goes back to being authentic!
Well it's because it makes your morale bar drop really fast which makes you move slower (unless someone shouts uuh-raa! nearby)
Anyway if you have any more questions, I'm a gold rank player so that's roughly 7 years of military service equivalent.
If you travel 6 month to the future, you are still in the point where you started, but the Earth will be on the other site of the Sun.
Why would you remain spatially locked to the sun? The solar system is moving around the milky way. The Milky way is traveling at around 370 miles per second if we use the universe as a frame of reference. A point is both a place and a moment. Everything is moving relative to everything else. Time travel is also space travel.
My state (Alabama) held a vote on this in 2020 and we voted to keep it legal. State government respected that and developed local laws enshrining hemp farming: https://agi.alabama.gov/hemp/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/2022/03/2023-hemp-frequently-asked-questions.pdf
The states that are asking for this to be made illegal include California,Colorado, Oregon, Connecticut, Maryland, Hawaii... Etc. Not sure I really understand why the article is writing this as if "Republicans are shidding themselves" when it's Democrat states that are asking for this to be revoked.
Midwest is always about 4 years behind coastal City trends.
That's labial velar approximate. We don't say "bwatermelon" just because the letter is pronounced with a B
That's wrong! There are only three bilabial letters! P, M, and B. F and V are labiodental
What a brave and controversial opinion on Lemmy