
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 week ago

@DolphinMath “look what I made you do to myself!”

[–] [email protected] 31 points 1 week ago (5 children)

@silence7 Mecca, you say?

In Saudi, you say?

Fossil fuel HQ? That Saudi?

[–] [email protected] 90 points 1 week ago (4 children)

@gAlienLifeform this is what much of the EU public is voting for, cheered on by the media which finds the extreme right irresistibly sexy.

They are voting for murdering desperate people.

And they’re going to keep doing it, because it’s easy to push the narrative that these people aren’t human beings with hopes and fears and desires, but some amorphous threat that “must be stopped”.

We can be better than this, but we never see to chose to be.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 weeks ago

@Stopthatgirl7 if they paid attention to the opt out, they wouldn’t have asked me three times, when I said to opt out the first time.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 month ago (1 children)

@uriel238 @cyu Realistically, I can't see it being cheaper than implants, and will probably need lots of orthodontic treatment when the new tooth comes through.

I have an implant, with bone regeneration, and honestly, it's just a tooth. Even with the bone regeneration, my total time in the chair was probably less than 90 minutes.

And, bonus, I can't get toothache in it, and if it breaks, it's 2 weeks to replace it like nothing happened.

The only way I see this competing with implants if it's cheaper (honestly can't see that happening) or less hassle (again, seems unlikely).

Implants are that good, and they're gonna be hard to displace as the "gold standard" to replace missing teeth.


Anyone else using Mac minis as VM hosts for self hosting? My Friendica server is a Linux VM on a Mac Mini in my living room. The VM is bound to a VLAN tagged network interface so it’s completely firewalled off from the rest of my network. Also got a second Linux VM on the same box for hosting local stuff on my main VLAN (HomeBridge/etc).

I feel like they’re really nice platforms for this, if not the cheapest. Cheaper than one might think though; I specced up an equivalent NUC and there wasn’t a lot of difference in price, and the M2 is really fast.


I have an #OpenWRT router. Let’s say I install Tailscale on it and want to create an interface that specifically routes to one of my exit nodes. Can I do that?

Everything I’ve seen about Tailscale on OpenWRT just provides direct router access to the tailnet (100.x.x.x), but I specifically want to route certain traffic to an exit node.

Can I do this? Do me proud, Fediverse! Hoping I can get good answers here without resorting to Reddit.


So I got a warning that nginx proxy manager hadn't been renewing my certificates for a while tonight.

Tried to renew them manually.

It broke, everywhere, badly. Ended up reinstalling from scratch, even on a different machine, but it Would Not Work. Kept throwing internal NPM errors.

Is it currently broken? I've resorted to a manual nginx config for now. but it's not ideal. Anyone else seeing flakiness from nginx proxy manager?

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