
joined 1 year ago
[–] ggppjj 82 points 1 week ago (1 children)

It'll never catch on.

[–] ggppjj 4 points 1 week ago (3 children)

As I understand it, sushi in this context is specifically made to be a single bite.

[–] ggppjj 4 points 1 week ago (5 children)

I want to say it's some reason a long the lines of "it was masterfully creafted in such a way that the only best experience is to eat the whole thing at once, and to do otherwise is to insinuate a lack of respect", with the disclaimer that I don't actually know if that's what it is.

[–] ggppjj 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Ah gee dang, you're right. Thanks!

[–] ggppjj 23 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

It's a quote from a Star Wars ~~show~~ movie.

[–] ggppjj 14 points 1 week ago

I can tell you where she is or how fast she is going, if either of those two data points are helpful.

[–] ggppjj 5 points 1 week ago

Hey, yeah! Him and his friend... I think the station commander's son?

A thousand to several million, you say...

[–] ggppjj 9 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Sorry, all out. Just traded my last datum for a hundred gross self-sealing stem bolts.

[–] ggppjj 17 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah, but 35% of all statistics are made up.

[–] ggppjj 0 points 2 weeks ago

I didn't get much sleep, so the tone of my posts today has been fairly aggressive.

For the purposes of making myself entirely clear, because it seems like I'm being misinterpreted, I'll tone down the typical internet rudeness-for-rudeness and plainly state my feelings about this directly. If you disagree with them at that point, that's understandable, but right now you say that you believe that I believe things that I don't believe, and my entire point in continuing to reply is that I want to make it clear what I've been saying from the beginning:

  1. Dosage makes the poison. I don't support capsaicin being labelled a poison. That's a bad label that is wrong.
  2. I don't care to reaffirm the actions of a stupid legislature out of touch with the job they were elected to do. They made a bad decision that is wrong.
  3. The doctors who looked at multiple people who ate this "challenge level" spicy food said that the problems they reported match symptoms that would normally indicate a poisoning. They did not say they were poisoned. As I said up top, an analogy would be to say that while COVID isn't literally the flu, it does share many of the same symptoms. The doctors said a correct thing that people have turned into an incorrect statement by assuming the doctors were saying that they were literally poisoned, which is an unfortunate side-effect of the need for accuracy and precision of language in more scientific fields.

If the doctors had literally said "spicy is poison", they would have been wrong and dumb. They didn't. If any politician has said that "spicy is poison", they're wrong and dumb. If any news sites have said that "spicy is poison", they're dumb and wrong.

I don't want to continue to send messages with the intention of clapping back or being an ass, and I'm genuinely happy to continue the discussion in a way that doesn't make both of us into assholes going forward, if there are more points of my position you'd like me to clarify or would like to continue to talk about, but if things are gonna keep being weirdly insulting for no good reason, then Imma dip.

[–] ggppjj 0 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

No, what I'm saying is that if you drink a gallon of vodka you'd have alcohol poisoning. If you drink a bathtub of water you'd have water poisoning, a real thing. If you eat a shit ton of concentrated capsaicin... You'd have...?

[–] ggppjj 0 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

My take is that the people who were treated were treated for symptoms of poisoning, and that pretending they weren't is a stupid, petty, and useless line to fixate on. They were exhibiting symptoms of poisoning. They weren't poisoned in the traditional sense that immediately comes to mind when you hear the word and imagine the action, but what happened to them was the same stuff that would happen to someone who was. We can all move on now.

The problem is that the ban is a fucking stupid idea as compared to better labelling and/or age controls.

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