An actual Pokemon
Good luck, Pooh bear...
I'm sick and tired of violent extremism and the people profiteering from it being treated as "just another point of view" because that leads to this leads to these crimes being normalized.
It's hard enough being trans without being actively hunted by psychotic overzealous and cruel people. What can individuals possibly do in the face of such societal cruelty?
Something needs to change.
Fascism at it's finest, folks... smh
Your eight year old has good instincts.
The cat doesn't look happy about this development...
🤢 "wHoLeSoMe" 🤢
What's sadder - the PS2-esque textures or the fact that Harley's walk cycle looks like a copy-paste job from Arkham?
Sounds like something billionaires do Al the time, too - can't get those billions without riding upon the backs of "lesser" people
Just here for the YouTube moth...
Ubisoft needs a gut check to the bottom line...