It's not a serious issue at all.
Of course, if you're the kind of greedy/lazy person who wants to make money off of pictures of their body, you're going to have to find a real job.
Hey man, believe whatever you want and discuss however you please.
I disagree with what you're saying and stand by my previous assertions.
Have a nice day.
Calling someone a liar is contrary to the spirit of good faith debate.
Lol, what? If someone is lying, then calling them out on it is good for debate.
Just going along with it is bad for debate. You got things backwards, bub.
It's okay, though. I suspect you're just a tribalist who twists his head in knots to do whatever will make you look good in front of the tribe.
I see it all the time and don't expect more from you people at this point.
Probably not.
This is just posturing for their constituency.
Bro, some people just can't stay on topic.
They always have to resort to some bullshit analogy, lol.
But Trump is Putin's puppet and Putin supports Hamas.
Why would Trump go against the wishes of Putin? Unless...
No joke, stop dating shitty men.
I get that's too difficult for a lot of them, though.