you never needed permission to overthrow corrupt authority figures
i honestly don't care what his intentions were. he created suffering with his actions. in order to prevent that from happening again, he needs to be held up as an example of what happens to people that work against humanity.
i've been writing a pretty big RPG module for years now and feel the same. in the beginning i was all about the prose and beauty of the written document. now, i'm just like "bullet points. go."
i love it when these people get their names exposed in the media. i might not have even known who she was. now we can put her on a list. did you put her on a list? you should.
or the whole case most likely dismissed because the bar of proof is so high. we CANNOT depend on the justice system people. we have to make justice ourselves. these slimy bastards are getting bolder and bolder. are you going to watch it happen and do nothing? you WILL reap the consequences.
i love how you slashed through that socialist/capitalist dichotomy and got down to the meat: right vs. left. let's narrow it down even further: altruism vs. narcissism. you either have empathy and want to see other people live well, or you're a selfish asshole. this is the true dichotomy. there are ways within different systems of law and economics to make life better for most people just like there are ways within different systems to make everyone miserable. intent is what matters. my intent is to purge this world of the narcissists.
don't underestimate them. never underestimate your enemy.
but it shows what happens when people start to get organized in retaliation. they could very well start to affect cases. this is not something to laugh at.
we could use these same techniques in support of progressive causes, or we could fight back against their strategies. either way, don't underestimate the power of this kind of resistance.
exactly. which is why their base should be viewed as the true enemy. these corrupt sociopaths are just giving the people what they want. we will never fix anything in america as long as half of the population enjoys the cruelty. america is long overdue for a political demographic purge.
how old are you? what's currently playing on your spotify?
find the part of the fantasy that doesn't require supernatural powers and manifest it into reality.