Thanks! Luckily it has been pretty quiet since the bot issues and security issues. At this point it's occasionally checking for Lemmy and server updates, and keeping an eye on server storage. One of the recent Lemmy updates fixes the database storage ballooning though so it will probably be a while before storage is an issue.
Some satellites and rovers have used Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RTGs), which are very different from a nuclear reactor. They use polonium-210, which generates heat, and that heat is converted to electricity with thermocouples. They are low power and inefficient.
To my knowledge no satellite, with an RTG, has ever used ion propulsion. Few interplanetary satellites have ever even used ion thrusters. Dawn, Hayabusa, and Deep Space 1 are the only I can think of, and they all used solar arrays.
Ion thrusters are super efficient, but produce extremely small amounts of thrust. They aren't practical for getting large spacecraft to Mars. These proposed nuclear engines produce large thrust while have efficiency somewhere between regular chemical propulsion and ion propulsion.
For large instances pictures is probably the bigger consumer of space, but for small instances the database size is the bigger issue because of federation. Also, mass storage for media is cheap, fast storage for databases is not. With my host I can get 1TB of object storage for $5 a month. Attached NVMe storage is $1 per month per 10 GB.
For my small instance the database is almost 4x as large as pictrs, and growing fast.
If you have open registration you should reduce the account creation rate.
So I kind of have a problem with a lot of these "save the bees" places that push honeybees. Honeybees are not native to North America, they are also not really at risk because they are so commercialized. What ARE at risk are native bees, which honeybees compete with and push out.
The best thing you can do to help bees is plant bee friendly gardens.
Sure, depends on what you want to do, that's just the command I used to purge unverified accounts. My instance doesn't really have any users so not a big deal.
Yeah, unless you are deleting hundreds of users you can't really tell, but I deleted 6k+ bots and can confirm user count automatically updates.
Don't delete from the local_user table. You only need to delete from the person table, the rest of the tables will be updated automatically and user count will update automatically.
Edit: The below command will delete all unverified users. NOTE: If you do not have email verification turned on then all users are unverified, therefore all users will be deleted. It also appears with v18 when you enable email verification all existing users remain unverified.
This is a destructive command, use at your own risk and don't go fucking with the database if you don't have backups.
DELETE FROM person WHERE local = 'true' AND id IN (SELECT person_id FROM local_user WHERE email_verified = 'false');
In the parenthesis you can add your AND to only select unverified accounts of a certain age.
Yes, person table is top level. Delete from person table and it cascades down and deletes from other tables. User count also automatically updates. Just be careful because person table also contains federated users. There is a "local" column to determine if they are local users or not.
I had about 6k bot accounts, but they were all unverified, so I just deleted all local unverified accounts from the person table.
Just don't go messing with the database without backups. My host supports snapshots so I did a quick snapshot before messing with anything.
Wow, I'm closer to Roxborough, had no idea. Luckily just some small hail and hard rain.
I think /r/Denver might be more open to it, I know @SpezCanLigmaBalls got permission to post there about the Denver community on
I still think instances should be largely region based, which is why I started one for Colorado. As far as sharing it I'm not really sure either other than spamming it everywhere (which I also don't want to do). Instance discovery kind of sucks, you can't even search on the main join Lemmy page.
Been using Zoho for years, cheap and reliable.