
joined 2 years ago
[–] freamon 2 points 1 year ago

I know for sure that Lemmy won't, it's likely the same for Mastodon.

I was wrong about not being able to WebFinger your account - I still had the @ at the beginning when I trying. Doing it properly:

curl --header 'accept: application/json' | jq .

gets the right response.

However, I'm logged into and it still couldn't get your account. At a guess, it's because there's a 20 character limit on usernames.

[–] freamon 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Lemmy instances won't search outside of their own databases if you're not logged in.

But if you are, what it does can be recreated on a command-line by doing:
curl --header 'accept: application/json'[email protected] | jq .

This shows that your profile is at Lemmy puts all users at a /u/, but using webfinger means that other fediverse accounts don't have to follow the same structure. For, you're at[email protected] in the same way that a mastodon user is at e.g[email protected].

edit: ~~However if you webfinger your account, you get: {"error":"Invalid host"} so any ActivityPub instances will only ever be able to find you if you've interacted with them in some way to get a database entry. Edit: also, I tried to do this again, thought I'd try the npub1 account as well, but got Gateway Timeouts, so there's a bit of jankiness going on too.~~

[–] freamon 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The bot at has been failing, so these results are over 2.5 days.

The 'Native Mastodon Posts' community won't feature on, unless I can be bothered to write a proper API server, so I popped it on the end of the list 'cos it's the new thing I've been working on, but it won't always be there.

[–] freamon 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

We're stuck with the HTML formatting that lemmy provides us, unfortunately. It's not just about an image vs. text though - it's also about being from the original author. OP for this post is getting plenty of replies, but I've no idea if it's an issue they care about, or just something they saw and found passingly amusing.

As for sending on, a screenshot to friends on non-ActivityPub platforms is more reasonable (although being text means you could just copy/paste it, and then include any friends with vision impairments too).

But yeah, there's lots of pro's to a screenshot that I don't have an argument against (I posted in this thread, but it's not like I'm going to show up everytime someone yoinks something from Mastodon)

[–] freamon 2 points 1 year ago (5 children) has the community, and is keeping up to date with it, because someone (me, actually) brought it through and subscribed. has the community, but won't get further updates because no-one subscribed (so technically I don't have the inbox address for it - it'll be the same format as everyone else of course, but it would reject updates with the 'community has no subscribers' error if I sent stuff to it anyway).

justworks was in the same situation as, but it has a subscriber now, so now it has everything and will keep up to date. I didn't have to do anything - the new subscriber's action re-fetched the outbox (discussed below) and luckily that contained everything that was missing. The post from is there too, so that wasn't affected by federation blocks. isn't running lemmy - the tails community is 'virtual' in that it's just a bunch of static files pretending to be a real community. The main address 403s 'cos thats just a folder. doesn't have the community most likely because no-one who is logged in there has searched for it (instances won't search outside their own database if the query isn't from a logged-in user). is in their /instances list though, so there's no blocking.

  1. An outbox on lemmy contains the last 20 or so original Announces that the main community uses to tell the communities on other instances about a new post. To illustrate:
    curl --header 'accept: application/json' | jq .orderedItems[0] would be for the most recent post on microblogmemes. (Op's post is at orderedItems[6]).
    Fetching this allows a new instance to re-create recent posts, as if it had received them at the time.

  2. Someone clicked [email protected], but didn't go further (they probably got lemmy's misleading error screen and gave up). As with - no subscribers = no more updates.

  3. Yeah, is mine. Not running lemmy means I fudge things a bit (including having posts from Mastodon users, of course)

[–] freamon 2 points 1 year ago (8 children)

Hmmm, that's not defederation though. The community's outbox has the 20 most recent posts in, and that cat gif is currently at number 20. The only way those earlier posts can be there are if someone brought though the community a day or so ago and then didn't subscribe. If anyone ever does subscribe, I can manually send the rest (and can see if the infosec one fails)

[–] freamon 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

What's happened for you there isn't a problem for screenshots to really fix - it's whatever frontend you're using not giving lemmy's backend enough time to fetch a remote community. This happens loads - I even made a little video about it the other day:

When you clicked on [email protected], it did actually go through to dbzer0, and Voyager has no trouble with the community once it's though. A little ironically perhaps, but here's a hastily combined screenshot showing it at dbzer0 and on Voyager:

edit: and the link to the post of course:

[–] freamon 3 points 1 year ago (10 children)

Yeah, cross-posts would be a new post from me, rather than the original from e.g. George Takei, which isn't ideal.

I hadn't really thought about defederation between servers running both Mastodon and Lemmy. I guess that post wouldn't show up on (I'll have a look if anyone subscribes from there)

[–] freamon 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Sorry, maybe I'm being a bit dense, but I don't really understand what you mean. 'This post' as in the post on microblogmemes?

[–] freamon 44 points 1 year ago (25 children)

Screenshotting a post from another fediverse app seems a bit crazy. As an alternative, this post is available natively in lemmy, as text and from the original author (so you can reply to him if you'd like).

I can't give a universal link to a post obviously, but if you're on, it's here:, and if you're not, it's available on the [email protected] community.

[–] freamon 5 points 1 year ago

Bonus video illustrating the 15 second gap between a lemmy instance sending out a Follow (to subscribe to something) and receiving the Accept back that'll move the status from 'Pending' to 'Joined'

Lots of non-real-world factors here: the lemmy instance is running on an VM, it's connecting via a tunnel to a home DSL connection, and isn't running lemmy, but it hopefully demonstrates how subscribing is 2 distinct actions, and how it can get stuck on 'Pending'

[–] freamon 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I didn't bother with picts-rs, but I found compiling lemmy to be fairly straight-forward (following the instructions on join-lemmy. Rust is difficult for me though, and lemmy's code seems like a labyrinth. So I've no idea what lemmy's up to most of the time (spinning its wheels randomizing the Hot sort, would be my guess).

I was about to say that communities for the innards of lemmy maybe already exist on or at [email protected], and then I looked at that community, and the first post I saw was promoting [email protected], spookily enough.

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