
joined 2 years ago
[–] franzfurdinand 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The SF variant of the H&K USP actually has a locking bar to hold the slide closed. Or at least that was one of the production runs, they may have dropped that feature. The intention there is that you want something that's so quiet that even the slide racking is too much noise. You'd run it with a suppressor and subsonic ammunition.

Effectively it turns it into a manually operated pistol, allowing the user to choose when they chamber the next round.

[–] franzfurdinand 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Have you considered a Space Mouse? They're a little pricey, but should actually give you almost everything you want.

[–] franzfurdinand 1 points 3 weeks ago

There were three distinct arcs to it, so that might contribute to it feeling short.

[–] franzfurdinand 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

My go-to is the biggest pack of AA or AAA batteries you can fit in your budget. They're always handy.

[–] franzfurdinand 1 points 1 month ago

Ah, a fellow misophonia 'enjoyer'!

[–] franzfurdinand 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)


And people who use the term are yinzers

[–] franzfurdinand 8 points 2 months ago

Ah, the Winchester Mystery House approach

[–] franzfurdinand 1 points 4 months ago

Those are hard seltzers. The ones I'm thinking of and drink are all just fizzy, flavored water and nothing else!

[–] franzfurdinand 4 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Have you tried seltzer at all? Throw some fresh citrus in and it's really good. Might even scratch the same soda itch.

[–] franzfurdinand 2 points 4 months ago

I feel that. Quitting alcohol is big suck territory

[–] franzfurdinand 14 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Hey, stay strong. Shit gets easier, I promise. Six years sober, two years without nicotine here. I did it, and you can too.

[–] franzfurdinand 3 points 4 months ago

I'm not ready to make the jump to Klipper just yet. I want to iron out hardware issues first.

I have a couple important takeaways. First, build the damn thing to be actually rigid out of the box. I thought I could keep it cheap with only 2020 extrusions, but I'm honestly paying a helluva lot more to add some stiffness to it.

Second, plan for your wiring at any given point to double. I got really tidy with my wiring at first and now it's an absolute nightmare. I gave up and half of it dangles off the back on the floor. It works but I really could have done a lot better with some better planning. It is truly a shameful sight.

I did add an extra pair of motors to the Z axis, bringing me to a grand total of four. I'm waiting on some stepper drivers to get it going again.

I don't have any pictures on hand, but could take some later.


Hey y'all, I managed to hack together a printer from scratch and I'm struggling to get it to print well. It's a CoreXY system that's being controlled by a Octopus 1.1. Dual z screws, the works.

I have it moving under it's own power and all. It's able to actually print, but the results are atrocious.

I'm just trying to diagnose what's wrong here.

The bottom/first layer actually looks kinda good. It's just completely shredding subsequent layers.

Any advice would be appreciated!


Howdy y'all, much like the title says, I'm looking to build a Hypercube. I have what was once upon a time an Ender 3 V1 that I've rebuilt with an Ender Extender kit. I'm not happy with the aggressive ghosting I get from the 400x400 bed so I wanted to cannibalize the electronics and build the frame from scratch. I was also planning on keeping the bed since it's got a stick on heater and thermistor that'll work well with the new setup. Hotend too, probably, since it's an all metal Micro Swiss.

Any gotchas to look out for? I know belt tension is a biggie once I get it together, but any gotchas to look out for in the build process?

I'm not too nervous about throwing together a custom firmware for this, it's not my first custom firmware and I'm a software guy by trade so it's pretty straightforward for me.


I've been putting these things together for a few years now and I wanna show them off a little bit. I originally started making them to solve a problem - I'm kinda tall, and I like having a blanket that can cover me up from my head to my feet. I hadn't found any that could do that, so I started making these 6'x12' blankets. The example here is fleece on top and flannel on the bottom!

The heart is my maker's mark. Orange because leggy.

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