If they had bought it, they would have run it into the ground.
Well, it was twenty years ago, so my memory might not be fresh, but we would go out to lunch, then head back to the office, so there was some elapsed time in between.
I don't know, but I'd like to think I would shut everything off and run away until it demonstrably hadn't exploded rather than take a picture!
I visited Costa Rica on a business trip around twenty years ago. The thing that blew my mind was every person in the building, after we got back from lunch, trooping to the bathroom and brushing their teeth. That's public health done right.
They look like a gas furnace and a hot water tank. My first thought was "Why are they connected? ", because I thought the tank had its own heating element. My second thought was "Aren't those water lines? How does a water line become incandescent?"
This is correct. Hay can be used as fodder for animals, whereas straw cannot. It can be used for many other purposes, however, like animal bedding, building material, decorating your suburban yard in fall...
Je suis un rockstar, by Bill Wyman
Obviously Ikea.
Do fish fuck in water? Do bears shit in the woods? Does the Pope wear a frock?
I think I have seen this and been confused by it. Does it mean that nobody should assume they have right of way? For example, having right of way isn't necessarily an excuse for being in an accident because you didn't give way to someone driving badly.
If a person didn't yield at a sign saying they should, and caused an accident as a result, they are demonstrably at fault.