I got shot eight times, but I'm still breatin'. Livin' proof there's a god if you need a reason. - 9Pac
The only country that can legally bomb schools in 2024 with no repercussions.
Also how much supposed leasure time is wasted sitting in all those cars, making the people frustrated, sick and unfulfilled?
I don't think that we are pretty early. Our galaxy already exists for so long, it's unfathomable. Yet, it seems to be empty and lifeless.
My friend, that's exactly my point. That is, they've had enough time to show up but they are nowhere to be seen.
As you said, after the formation of Earth, it took only a few hundred milion years for life to develop. That is incredibly short, almost instanteneously as soon as conditions for life were met, life formed. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, formed almost as soon as galaxies could form. So here we have a situation where a inteligent civilization could have formed anywhere in our galaxy 13 bil years ago or at any point in time after that. Chance is, if they had, by now they would have conquered the whole galaxy. Absence of any sign of inteligent life can be wxplained by the Great Filter. It could be any of the following: 1) interstellar travel is never feasible for any civ, no matter how advanced, 2) Earth-like planets are so rare, that we are probably the only inteligent civ in our galaxy, 3) Earth-like planets are not that rare, but inteligent civs tend to destroy themselves before they manage to spread out to other planets... We don't know what the Great Filter is, but it must be pretty destructive for a civ. I just want to point out the fact that the Great Filter is probably still ahead of us and that we shouldn't take our existence for granted. We need to meticulously examine and neutralize any possible threats to human civilization. This is not fearmongering. It's just common sense, after you take all the facts into account that I laid out.
Let's buy this guy a one way ticket to Gaza
So if they are right, the Earth is incredibly rare and would be a great find for space faring civilizations. They also had plenty of time to pass by and find this incredibly rare life bearing sphere. But they didn't. You can flip things how ever you want, the question remains - why haven't we seen anyone?
Guns, how do they work?
It's just a gimmick, a new "feature" to justify higher product prices.