
joined 1 year ago
[–] foggenbooty 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I don't think it's anything against you, just that you gave a personal opinion and so people are voting if they agree or not with your take.

For example, I think you're right that millenial fashion had more form fitting clothing. I also think you're wrong that high waist pants look good. No offense intended.

[–] foggenbooty 6 points 1 month ago

I feel I should clarify that I don't hold this position because dogs are dangerous or think it should be harder to have a dog. I hold it because I think our breeding programs are creating a lot of animal suffering.

From puppy mills where dogs are kept in horrible conditions, to overproduction of animals so that there aren't enough homes, to propagating breeds that can barely breath so that they have an "adorable" face. Dog breeding is exploitative and re-enforces that dogs are simply a commodity.

I'm not sure a law making it more difficult to own a dog would have the effect you intend, as there are already too many dogs in need of homes. I think a more palatable middle ground to elimination would be regulation of breeders to ensure that they are not producing more dogs than can be homed.

[–] foggenbooty 8 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Not the OP, but let me step in. Dog breeds are something we have created as humans, they're not wild species that need to be preserved and don't have any effect on ecosystems.

Dog breeding is largely negative at this point as most breeds have outlived their original use and are now seen as designer pets. We continue to breed them as there is continued demand, but quite often these breeds are so inbred that they have genetic health issues. We also oversupply and don't fix/neuter enough, meaning there are always unwanted dogs without homes.

I love dogs, but all of mine have been rescues and I would have no problem with the vast majority of breeds being phased out. There are still some niche cases where dogs are actually used for their breed's purpose (dog sled, search/rescue, hunting, etc) but no, I don't think a chihuahua or a pug should exist and would not be sad if breeders stopped producing more.

[–] foggenbooty 3 points 1 month ago

Yup. I've configured my thunder to look and feel really similar to the way I had Relay set up. The compact modenis great and the customizability is really good.

[–] foggenbooty 1 points 1 month ago

You can install Bazzite instead of Windows to solve the above problems.

[–] foggenbooty 1 points 1 month ago

I recognize thr average person won't do this, but you can get the same steam deck experience by installing Bazzite.

Now the controller issue I definitely agree with. They need a second gen Steam Controller pronto!

[–] foggenbooty 2 points 1 month ago

Nope. I was actually able to get it working the other day after ditching flatpak and re-installing Steam, Gamescope, and MangoHUD with DNF instead. All the guides I read said that flatpak would be no issue, but it was clear that as soon as I referenced any of the above applications in the launch arguments it would fail to load because it didn't understand what I was asking to launch.

So, all in all, I now have Rocket League running at a high framerate with FSR on integrated graphics. It only took two days :P

[–] foggenbooty 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Yes I am. I appreciate the help though. It seems pretty clear that it's failing to recognize the gamescope argument because even if I use it barebones without any resolutions or FSR arguments it still fails to launch. Wish I could see thr output somewhere so I could know what to look into.

That said, I have since looked into Nobara and Bazzite and they look really promising. They should have all this stuff I'm trying to do baked right in. The point still stands though that these are extra complications that I wouldn't have on Windows with a full driver suite.

[–] foggenbooty 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (4 children)

Like you I've tried to game on Linux and each time have had to go back. I really want it to work, and to be fair, it DOES work. I love my Steam Deck and it's proof that with enough tuning you can get a good experience.

However if you want to get more than a game just running, that's when you have some issues. Like you I had the X11 multiple monitor issue people describe. Wayland is the fix these days but there were still issues using both different high refresh and VRR at the same time (may be fixed now).

My current issue is trying to get gamescope running when launching games from steam on Fedora 40. I have the flatpak of each and guides say it should just work, but every time I use gamescope as a launch option nothing launches. I imagine there must be a log somewhere but I don't know where that is. I found some open bug reports that say gamescope just broke a few versions ago with Steam, who knows.

The only reason I need to use gamescope is that there is no AMD control panel, so no way to get FSR. This is a lower end GPU and I really need FSR for this particular game to run well. This is the biggest issue IMO, with only basic GPU drivers the community has to figure out how to implement the latest gaming features on their own, which means it is years behind. The VRR/High Refresh multiple monitor issue for example is something windows was doing with ease several years ago and Linux is getting it now.

So you have to give up a lot of multiplayer games, and you have to be OK with just running the game, not anything modern like DLSS or frame gen, or whatever is cutting edge. For this reason I can still only recommend gaming on Linux if you're on a Steam Deck, or if you're a techy person who mostly plays single player titles. Anything more and you will be messing around more than playing.

[–] foggenbooty 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I'd never once considered a phone being faster. I always see typing on my phone as a pain, an I'm no great touch typist by an means (around 80wpm).

How fast do you type on a standard keyboard, for comparison? I'm curious if you like the phone better because you're not very fast with a regular keyboard, or if I'm just bad with my phone.

[–] foggenbooty 48 points 2 months ago (5 children)

Android users literally run their lives out of Google Calendar. Think you can share your calendar with a friend from your phone? Think again. It's back to the 10 year old desktop interface for you!

Oh you're not at home at your computer, well, try using the desktop version of Google Calandar on your phone's browser. I dare you.

[–] foggenbooty 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Anything can make progress if it's within the realm of possibility and you throw enough resources at it.

My issue with Starship is that it's not really good for any of the things Musk has promised it for. It's a heavy lift rocket that has not yet proven capable of surviving flight. Best case it can be used to get materials up to space, but used as a lander or a long distance ship? No way. It's just not designed that way. Too heavy, too unsafe, too inefficient, too complicated.

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