The clip at about 13mins. There ain't no way that's an old German Stielhandgranate the guy throws!
Is there a picture of the actual junction?
Range finder is pretty much pointless when you use med-ramge scopes, which is how you should really be sniping anyway.
The exception being significant long range shooting beyond 500m where the glint isn't so much of an issue.
If it's limited to only balanced then:
-SMGs will see a nerf, likely.
-Maybe a nerf to certain attachments in general. Guns get way too laserbeam-like once you get them leveled to a certain point. Makes it very frustrating start playing or to try a new gun.
-Removal of C4 from being available on literally every class. It's not required. Or at least to reduce the amount you have.
-Buff transport gunner accuracy/damage a little.
-Buff tank F3 gunner slightly with either accuracy or damage.
-Make Humvee/Tiger's windows bullet proof. Theres no reason why you can be shot through them when there's clearly such a ubiquity of AT capability running around.
-DMRs. I've just unlocked the EBR and it's absolutely incredible. Which is in stark contrast to the M110 and Mk20, which are uNpLaYaBlE. Increased velocity I think would make these so much more satisfying.
-An incentive to play Frontlines would be cool, like a 2xp (as well as clearly marking it as such). A similar carrot for any underplayedap/mode/time of day.
If if they want to sneak some other QOL stuff in:
-Minimap. Holy moly, please a minimap.
-Flag status at top of screen. For some reason it's only on Frontlines as a feature, but no other fame mode. Perhaps they just haven't gotten around to it yet.
-Add more depth to the audio. Although I think this is probably way beyond the scope of this patch.
As a Tarkov and Squad player I'm probably spoiled by what good quality audio is (quality not implemtation, before you try and tell me Tarkov's audio is terrible).
-Stop locking squads on map change! Holy heck.
-Better contrast for in vehicle ammo status. Most are small and difficult to find due to lack of contrast. And some just don't even tell you.
-And on the same vein as above, add a vehicle health indicator. PLEASE!
-Hit reg can be atrocious sometimes. I'm sure it's an ongoing battle with the Devs though, so let's just see how that goes.
I'm sure there's more, but that's it off the top of my head. Otherwise I am having a great time.
Yes. I am a user of Strava. But many aren't, so rather than get bogged down in an explanation of the semantics, I wrote what I wrote.
Since functionally it is identical and any difference irrelevant.
Wait until you hear that Budanov liked his Strava post.
I've had (have) iPhones supplied by work and I just can't get away with them. To the point it just sits there on my desk and never get touched unless I need to 2FA or something through it.
And even that takes me an unreasonable amount of time to figure out every time. A lot of that is down to lack of experience, but I'm sure most is down to it just being unintuitive vs an android. And I'm a Pixel user, and before that a HTC user so always been a very pure Android experience.
Yes, because that's socially forced on us. I don't want to have multiple different messaging apps (2 of which from the same fucking megacorp) to have to navigate around.
Person A like to message via app A, but person B likes to message via app B, and person C messages via both app A and B so it's impossible to keep a fucking unbroken line of conversation going etc etc.
Not to mention that means that I HAVE to have these apps on my phone as a result. No matter how strict you set up your privacy controls to restrict their access, there's inevitably shit that they still scrape from you, even stuff you've specifically rejected access to.
And then on top of all that, you're giving them all of your conversaions with people. They may tell you it's all encrypted and all that shit, but I don't entirely believe it.
It drives me up the wall. Let me have one messaging app. Let it be the default app on the phone.
To be fair, as a work machine, I far prefer macs. And there's a reason why Windows has been implementing steadily more and more MacOS features into their OS over time.
For a personal machine I'd rather Windows.
If WRC was possible to actually watch and not hidden away on some obscure channel and an obscure time then easily that though. Just based on the spectacle.
Likely because that's who is left on the platfrom. 60% who actively don't care, and the other 40% who either haven't realised what's happening or have no idea what's going on.