Had some random leftovers to throw in a pot 🙂
The liberals happily pave the way for the fascists and collaborate with them whenever they feel it politically opportune to do so. Even ignoring the fundamental issues with bourgeois led parties in liberal democracies, the war on drugs was bipartisan, the war on terror was bipartisan, and so is your big fuckoff wall at the southern border. Being "forced to negotiate" is a laughable excuse, don't embarrass yourself.
I think you'll find the term genocide is not only not false but an accurate descriptor for your country's engagement in several places across the world both today and especially throughout its history.
You never had a democracy to overthrow and every single president in your country's history was a criminal, not just the latest dude. Your two parties are the same in all aspects that matter. Neither of them meaningfully addresses climate change, neither of them plans on doing what is necessary to prepare for the next zoonotic pandemic and neither of them gives a shit about you.
A political party in favour of ever increasing military spending that continues to shit on workers' rights and does absolutely nothing to address the biggest injustices in their own country, let alone the ones they actively fund abroad. One sometimes says nice words and one is additionally actively hateful towards queer people. World of a difference really.
Correct, the USA help genocidal ethnostates for selfish reasons. The resistance against Israel is rooted in their displacement, murder and continued oppression against Palestinians. And the Middle East isn't the only regions that hates America. Virtually everyone does, because your country violently dominates the global economic system and props up genocidal ethnostates.
Cronometer ist ein ziemlich gutes Werkzeug, um Nährstoffmengen ausrechnen zu lassen. Am Anfang habe ich damit immer Mahlzeiten im Voraus geplant und nach einer Weile hatte ich das weitgehend genug verinnerlicht, dass ich jetzt nurnoch bei neuen Zutaten nachsehe. Die andere Ressource, die mir sehr geholfen hat, ist Nutritionfacts.org auf YouTube. Die konzentrieren sich meistens auf einzelne Zutaten und ihre Effekte auf den Metabolismus.
Das Problem am Töten Unschuldiger ist natürlich das Schlachthaus, also spritzt das Blut ab sofort auf der Wiese 👍
It's a group of probably mostly teenagers and upwards, mocking anti-vegan and pro-animal-abuse positions. It is very online tho, for sure.
Are you aware how this community works? It's for satire of meatheadded talking points for vegans to enjoy and make fun of and everyone here is usually sarcastic. The point of this post is most likely to humorously showcase the flawed logic of people arguing that the abolishment of breeding animals would constitute a genocide.
My most genuine wish would be to see the people caring about mutilation, consent and bodily autonomy to take a look at what we do to non-humans in animal agriculture, apply their convictions consistently and go vegan.
Your examples are extremely weird, friend. When comparing and contrasting countries, how about focusing on politics? The USA is an imperialist oligarchy with a giant, globe-spanning military presence, dominating and exploiting economies under threat of violence and sanctions, while Russia is an irridentist oligarchy that can apply pressure on other countries through little more than it's fairly large military force. If Russia had the same resources and trade-presence as the USA they would be almost identical. If you really want to talk about cultural values, they are generally the same. The average human being cares about peace, justice, love, joy, truth, freedom, beauty. The differences are political.