America under Trump means our allyship erodes and we lose the power to stand up to major threats in the event of war, plain and simple
Sounds nice, wake me up when it's available
Eh it doesn't really, there isn't a surge in radio attacks on cars, it's just a novel concept so people are feeling spooked
But I'm with you on your first point, security needs to be hardened and the only one who can truly do that is the manufacturer
Another distraction for the big problems not getting solved
There's subcompact cars at least, maybe not as tiny and efficient but still way better than the massive SUV pileup you see where I live
not gon do what they told ya
not gon do what they told ya
not gon do what they told ya
You have to understand that the cat is training to read from you, so in 25 years when you can afford a computer he can sit there and read your credit card information while you buy cat paraphernalia off of eBay and defraud you out of millions of pennies
Aaaaand Dr. John's in my head
1.482 seconds before chomp
shareholders raking in more money
Prices are still ass for the average American expenses
"The economy is doing great why you feel bad?"
EDIT: This is actually the media screwing us over here, Biden actually touches on why, bad headline
Just waiting for the boomers to die out and the market collapses to follow
Maybe my grandchildren will have financial stability
Know any good Autistic communities in Matrix? I'm in the market, I love mine but it's in Discord and they ain't moving.