
joined 1 year ago
submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by filister to c/world
[–] filister 4 points 2 days ago

Are we living in a parallel reality? Didn't you see how Israel deliberately killed their own hostages, shirtless with hands in the air, or the humanitarian workers, in a clearly marked vehicle, whose route has been communicated beforehand via official channels.

Do you truly believe that the IDF really cares about the civilian lives of Palestinians? Have you heard of anyone from IDF being convicted for the unlawful killing of civilians in Gaza? Nope? All of this coming from the most moral army in the world /s

And last thing I heard was that Israel wasn't willing to agree to their own ceasefire terms and are actively undermining the negotiations. Bibi knows he will be a toast if he stops the war and most likely will be criminally persecuted on corruption charges and there is a chance he also ends up behind bars.

[–] filister 5 points 3 days ago (5 children)

Last time I checked all the entry points to Gaza were controlled by IDF, so perhaps you should change your narrative. And how many entry points did they open. The reality is that Israel can do everything to alleviate the humanitarian situation in Gaza, by opening enough border crossings, and ensuring that sufficient humanitarian aid is entering the enclave but they consciously decided not to. So stop shifting the blame.

Perhaps you could also try to justify the humanitarian aid looting, stealing, destroying by Israeli people, or the many humanitarian aid workers who lost their lives during this war, etc.

[–] filister 7 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (10 children)

Let me ask you using your own rhetoric: "Have you wondered why there is no food in Gaza but there is in Tel Aviv?". Real mystery!

[–] filister 6 points 3 days ago

I am sorry but could you remind me where the proof of their involvement is.

There was an international independent investigation of UNRWA, that was led by a Colonna, that didn't find links between Hamas and UNRWA (

Also Israel didn't provide any proof neither to UNRWA, nor Colonna's investigation nor to any of their so-called allies who rushed to cease the UNRWA funding.

But sure let's take Israel's claims at face value without any critical thinking. They can't be wrong, right, right? /S

[–] filister 16 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (2 children)

You do realise how racist you sound right now, right? Are you calling more than 2 million people, terrorists?

What about the kids, the newly born babies, are they also terrorists and deserve to die and/or starve? What happened with the idea of everyone being innocent until proven otherwise.

And how many civilians have Israel and Palestinians killed over the years? Or let's simplify the questions, how many of those are below 16?

You can simply watch any documentary dedicated on the life of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, read any human rights groups that is not affiliated with Israel what they think about the conditions in those two territories. Open Wikipedia and read the articles on the subject, etc. The ICJ just proclaimed that what is doing Israel in the West bank and Gaza equates to apartheid.

Shall I also remind you that before their independence there were Jewish resistance fighters who were also branded terrorists by the authorities back then and the same fraction became the backbone of the IDF.

[–] filister 5 points 3 days ago

What you described is a common practice to make oneself life easier.

If you want to write something like rk you would need to create a bash script and place it in your PATH so you can access it from there. It is fairly easy to do so, and you can back it up in GIT so that you have the latest version of the command line utility there. Even for the alias, I would say back it up in GIT, because you might lose them.

[–] filister 49 points 4 days ago (8 children)

Damn, feeding the hungry and taking care of the deprived is now an act of terrorism.

[–] filister 36 points 4 days ago (1 children)

If only any of those Japanese manufacturers were actually committed to make a really good EV. Seriously the Prius was so ahead of time, that you would think that Toyota would have been among the leaders in the EV sector, instead they kind of overslept the whole EV revolution and now complain about it.

[–] filister 4 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Actually this is what I liked about the Witcher 3 is that the side quests were really great. Of course there were generic ones that felt like doing chores but a surprisingly big amount of quests were actually unique with great stories.

This for me was the best thing about the game. Combat was kind of meh, especially the oils, etc. but the world was very well crafted and not only the main story but also a big chunk of side quests were really engaging.

[–] filister 7 points 5 days ago

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz estimates that Gaza has now lost about 26% of its territory to the military as a result of these changes.

And I am sure Israel will never allow western media going inside Gaza and reporting for all the attrocities and destruction they caused there. It is so maddening and sad at the same time.

[–] filister 10 points 5 days ago

This is such a horrible read. What is the fault of all those slowly dying, maimed and severely malnourished kids, apart from being born at the wrong place at the wrong time.

[–] filister 5 points 6 days ago

I think the sewage water is contaminated. But the war rendered a lot of desalination plants offline. Israel is using similar practices for a very long time though. Even before the war.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by filister to c/technology

I need to keep the display on the whole time and considering how slow my internet connection is, it is a lot. I am surprised that there is no option to download the games while in standby or sleep mode.

I know that the Deck lowers the brightness but it seems to be awfully ineffective and of course I am also worried about display burn in.

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