Kanske minns fel och blandar ihop termerna, men den sortens GPU passthrough jag tänkte på är att låta signalen från det bättre grafikkortet skickas genom APU:ns kontakt så man slipper ha dubbla monitorkablar. Men det är klart, ifall jag skulle kunna köra Windows i VM med 100% prestanda så skulle jag slippa dual boota för VR.
Uppgraderade från 3080 så minimal skillnad bortsett från minnet :D Men vi får hoppas att AMD satsar mer på ROCm i framtiden, de har ju varit mer generösa med VRAM på sina kort.
It's not easy trying to research which 3d printer to buy, there is more click bait and marketing than impartial reviews out there, and search engines tend to promote the garbage. And without a lot of 3d printing experience, it can be difficult to know if a "review" is paid for by the printer's manufacturer, or just trying to trick you into clicking their affiliate links. There are also no consistently good brands if you're looking for a cheap printer, pretty much all of them have produced a few good printers and others that have more flaws. For example old Ender 3 and Ender 3 Pro were very good at the time, and Creality built up a lot of brand recognition, but then they switched to low quality components and seemingly stopped doing quality control and made a bunch of crap. Now it might be turning around again, as Creality's latest printers are starting to look decent again, although perhaps a little overpriced.
Personally I use this spreadsheet to compare pros and cons of budget printers. It's maintained by a group of users at a 3d printing discord server, and while one cannot know for sure none of them have any ties for example to Sovol (the most recommended budget brand currently), they've seemed quite impartial to me so far.