
joined 2 years ago
[–] fhein 2 points 4 months ago

Ahh, I thought you meant you had a 0.2mm nozzle, but now I see you probably meant layer height.

Moisture absorbtion is rarely a problem with PLA, but hopefully dehydration won't hurt, as long as you don't accidentally overheat it and it deforms. I've left rolls of PLA out in the open for 6 months without noticing any deterioration. Both your filaments used to print fine, and then the oozing spontaneously started with both of them?

2mm retraction should be more than enough for a direct drive extruder.

[–] fhein 28 points 4 months ago (1 children)

The only certification I have is from the Kansas City Barbeque Society, allowing me to act as a judge in BBQ competitions.

Things are probably different nowadays, but at least 15-25 years ago you could just apply for IT jobs and if someone lied about their skills it would hopefully show during the technical interviews. I don't know if that counts as getting in very early.

[–] fhein 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I looked into getting a sim rig for vr since i get motion sick from driving/flying games, and saw several people saying that unless both the rig movement and headset tracking are extremely precise it will make motion sickness worse in vr. I guess something similar would be true for rotating chairs

[–] fhein 4 points 4 months ago (2 children)

What filament and other slicer settings? Could be too hot. Could be retraction settings. Did the oozing start when you switched nozzles? If it's a cheap Amazon nozzle it might be faulty and have a different diameter than advertised. Did you follow the correct procedure with hot tightening when switching nozzles? If not, you might have got molten filament in between the nozzle and the heat break.

[–] fhein 4 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Om vi skattebetalare ska vara med och finansiera kalaset känns det väl rimligt att vi är med och äger resultatet, och får ta del av framtida vinster?

[–] fhein 2 points 4 months ago

Easiest GUI toolkit I've used was NiceGUI. The end result is a web app but the python code you write is extremely simple, and it felt very logical to me.

[–] fhein 1 points 5 months ago

Assuming they already own a PC, if someone buys two 3090 for it they'll probably also have to upgrade their PSU so that might be worth including in the budget. But it's definitely a relatively low cost way to get more VRAM, there are people who run 3 or 4 RTX3090 too.

[–] fhein 1 points 5 months ago

Exakt, men det var nog hybrid graphics det hette. Tanken var dels att lämna 100% vram ledigt för AI och dels för att spara ström genom att sätta Nvidia-kortet i sovläge när det inte används. Fick det typ att fungera, men de återstående problemen var att Xorg alltid körde på Nvidia-kortet (andra program default:ade till iGPUn, om jag inte explicit sa att de skulle köra på Nvidia) och jag kunde inte få något annat än 60Hz till skärmarna. Sen sa rocm-smi eller ngt liknande program att iGPU:n drog 30W när den användes, vilket är lika mkt som RTX-kortet drar i idle, så ifall det är korrekt så skulle det ändå inte bli någon strömbesparing.

[–] fhein 3 points 5 months ago

Probably a joke, since there's always someone commenting that the item isn't food safe whenever a model for something food related.

[–] fhein 2 points 5 months ago

It's not easy trying to research which 3d printer to buy, there is more click bait and marketing than impartial reviews out there, and search engines tend to promote the garbage. And without a lot of 3d printing experience, it can be difficult to know if a "review" is paid for by the printer's manufacturer, or just trying to trick you into clicking their affiliate links. There are also no consistently good brands if you're looking for a cheap printer, pretty much all of them have produced a few good printers and others that have more flaws. For example old Ender 3 and Ender 3 Pro were very good at the time, and Creality built up a lot of brand recognition, but then they switched to low quality components and seemingly stopped doing quality control and made a bunch of crap. Now it might be turning around again, as Creality's latest printers are starting to look decent again, although perhaps a little overpriced.

Personally I use this spreadsheet to compare pros and cons of budget printers. It's maintained by a group of users at a 3d printing discord server, and while one cannot know for sure none of them have any ties for example to Sovol (the most recommended budget brand currently), they've seemed quite impartial to me so far.

[–] fhein 1 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Kanske minns fel och blandar ihop termerna, men den sortens GPU passthrough jag tänkte på är att låta signalen från det bättre grafikkortet skickas genom APU:ns kontakt så man slipper ha dubbla monitorkablar. Men det är klart, ifall jag skulle kunna köra Windows i VM med 100% prestanda så skulle jag slippa dual boota för VR.

Uppgraderade från 3080 så minimal skillnad bortsett från minnet :D Men vi får hoppas att AMD satsar mer på ROCm i framtiden, de har ju varit mer generösa med VRAM på sina kort.

[–] fhein 1 points 5 months ago (4 children)

För mig så drar Xorg ca 300MB, Firefox 150MB, kwin_x11 100MB, Discord och plasmashell 50MB vardera. Compositing i KDE är på, men VAAPI i Firefox är avstängt. Har för mig jag stängde av det för det var problem när jag skulle streama något, men jag tycker CPU-avkodning har funkat bra så jag hade glömt bort att jag ens ändrade det.

Om du ska försöka få igång GPU passthrough i framtiden så finns det en del resurser för hur laptops gör det, men det verkar som att det endera är Intel CPU + Nvidia GPU, eller AMD + AMD, så ifall du ska uppgradera något så kan det vara värt att ha i åtanke. Jag fick AMD + Nvidia att typ fungera, men jag lyckades inte få den att stänga av GPU:n helt när den inte användes så den låg och drog 30W i onödan.

Själv jag ett begagnat RTX3090 för att få 24GB VRAM. Kollade blocket varje dag tills jag hittade ett för 7300kr med köpskydd, vilket kändes som ett nästan rimligt pris :) Hade dock behövt det dubbla för att kunna köra ännu finare modeller, men då kostar det verkligen skjortan..

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