
joined 1 year ago
[–] feedmecontent 1 points 10 months ago

So you just like, all the time, remember that your poky thing, stylus, micro SD adapter, some key, and spare quarter are in that tiny drawer? You are a genuine marvel.

[–] feedmecontent 1 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Tossing in a drawer, definitely not. But keeping it in a place where you know where it is, will remember it, and it is definitely retrievable is different. Good luck finding that thing in a random drawer you are sure it's in, much less a random drawer you are only kind of sure it's in. Or if your life is such that each spot occupied in each drawer regardless of size and time of deposit is accounted for and retrievable, maybe that is just the standard I'm missing here.

What I'm saying is: I definitely have one or more of those in drawers or closets or boxes somewhere. Where, I do not know, and I could not retrieve one on command. But I could retrieve an implement to do its job. That the two things wind up being the same thing is an infinitesimal chance at best.

[–] feedmecontent 3 points 10 months ago

Even non-psychopaths who aren't dog people. When I encounter a dog, any dog, I couldn't be more uncomfortable. But I don't find this sort of thing any less shocking than people who have and love dogs.

[–] feedmecontent 1 points 10 months ago (5 children)

How is it responsible to waste your life taking steps to keep track of worthless little objects of that size? If you need a thin poker use one of the many every day objects that takes the form of or includes a thin poker.

[–] feedmecontent 29 points 10 months ago

This applies to Western comics in the way where they tend to have used a campy version of the power in the 60s and have to grapple with what that means later. Like when Marvel gave the villain "molecule man" the power to control all molecules then were like "fine yes, also he's a demi god who can essentially control all things and has the combined energy across all universes to splode reality"

[–] feedmecontent 2 points 10 months ago

I guess I have trouble telling which level of masking I'm seeing talked about because I interpreted the op as a conscious thing whoops.

I do both levels. Like, I have "I don't want to explain this thing" which I'm trying to stop on that conscious level, but I also experience the other side where certain circumstances are just like, flashes in my brain that pull out the only response that feels safe, or sometimes the only one that seems non-destructive, but not in a way that I'm capable of processing in the moment, and I don't know why I do it often. Unraveling that is a lot harder, though, and while it is happening, maybe the less advanced state of that unmasking effort is also why I can't see it being talked about.

[–] feedmecontent 35 points 10 months ago (8 children)

Being the autistic person on the receiving end of this sort of communication can be kind of frustrating ngl

[–] feedmecontent 33 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Nobody can see this -> some people can see this -> anybody can see this

[–] feedmecontent 2 points 10 months ago (1 children)

If there was nothing compelling you to turn it on, what exactly were you forgetting about? Surely you remembered how to do it, but were you presented a reason to do it by the situation you were in?

[–] feedmecontent 4 points 10 months ago

Good to see recognition of this. It sucks to have PTSD from things that are still considered to be perfectly normal and acceptable to most people you describe them to.

[–] feedmecontent 10 points 10 months ago (1 children)

What if the red is in streaks? What if the streaks become more prominent over time? What if there's a smell?

[–] feedmecontent 1 points 10 months ago

Those little classroom assignments were definitely not all spelled out from the start and that's what I didn't have the capacity to participate in all the time. But say I started off at like 70% capacity. Getting hounded and called lazy and sometimes actually punished during that extra 30% causes my capacity to go down to say 60%. Then I'm being hounded and punished 40% of the time which has an even bigger effect and basically keeps my burnout at 100% and my ability to participate suppressed to 0. The lower my total capacity for participation is the more severe consequences start to be too. Punishments become more likely for sure. This starts to turn into a really wide scope of trauma.

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