Yep, you'll never get it perfect, but a smaller layer height will make the steps less noticeable. Adaptive layer height in cura if you use that can help, but adds a mortal age to the length of the print.
Reasonably sure that ginger ginger grown from the rhizome can't flower - which is a shame as it's flowers are both beautiful and smell wonderful.
Only so far, there's still time.
They're an indigonious species so the effect on the ecosystem is likely to be beneficial in the long run as they form an important part of the food web for inland animals during their breeding season which should lead to increased biodiversity. The whole purpose of the project is to reinforce their numbers which have been reduced by fishing. The main concern would be disease, but they would have been screened prior to their release so it should be a non-issue.
They were being transported to a specific river for release, so they'd return to that river to spawn. As juviniles they swim downstream and spend 3 years at sea, where food is much more plentiful - any that stick around in the river would die of starvation.
Is this the first print you've done with it? Have you done any exposure calibration with this resin?
Ethanol should be fine to use as far as I know. Do the holes go all the way through? If so your screen might have dead spots. You can visually inspect the screen by setting it to do a test exposure without the resin tank on it to check. Also obviously check that your tank doesn't have any failed print bits stick to the sheet.
Server farms tend to have huge footprints, so putting them in urban areas where land prices are high, is prohibitively expensive - so they won't do it.
Oh those things are super cool, soviet era display technology had a great aesthetic. This YouTuber had some great videos on them
It's a batshit movie. The first time I watched it the subtitles desynced and slowly got more and more out out of sync as the film went on. We only realised about half way through - somehow it didn't make the film less understandable.