It's a propaganda mouthpiece and money laundering all rolled up into one neat package they can declare bankruptcy and wipe their hands clean.
There's no oversight for any of these agencies and they have the means and incentive to backdoor cryptography, what would stop them from doing this morality? There's no possible way that they both aren't compromised and all we're seeing now is them firing pot shots at each other trying to convince the reader to join their honeypot because its sweeter.
Let me run this canidate who only got 51% to 47% of the popular election against the grab em by the pussy guy and then you're going to say its my fault, you deserve a gold medal in mental gymnastics.
Clearly it's my fault that dems decided to run an unpopular canidate, now who's heads in the sand? Why don't you just go ahead and blame me for the economy and climate change too.
You are being hyperbolic, you told me that I have options, but in reality I either vote for Biden or if I choose not to vote for Biden then I'm giving away my vote to facists (Trump), that's not democracy it's extortion.
I didn't vote for the fascists, and I didn't get a choice in their opponents so don't try and blame me because the Democratic Party doesn't want candidates that aren't going to support their business interests. If they had ranked choice voting they could pull this crap, but they don't and they won't so stop acting like I'm responsible.
So by voting for a candidate other than Biden or Trump I'm taking my ball and going home?
AI is essentially an algorithm that looks at a set of data which it "trains" on and then uses that predictive model to reproduce a facsimile of an answer. An analogy would be if you took a parrot and only sever said compliments to it you would get a parrot that says compliments except it doesn't actually understand what its saying just that it should. Knowing that, what they're saying is that they want your data to train on so here's some crap you don't want or need in the hopes you think its cool or useful.
If enough people give up their data they could probably make a model that is actually useful, at which time they'll turn it into a paid product to replace the people who were naive enough to provide their data for training.
But who decided that's the only choice?
Other than let's keep doing the same thing I'm open to your suggestions.
I have no doubt they fully intend to enact their vision of world domination, my point and the other person above is that democrats entire strategy is to do things they want convienient for them while they improve their lives at the expense of ours while offering up breadcrumbs and espouting that they aren't the worst option. They could legislate changes for a fair election or ranked choice voting, but they don't want change and they don't care about us; they treat this like a game of good oligarch bad oligarch.
If we want to get out of this rut we need to change course, and by design we will always be on the verge of the next project 2025. If you want to analogize my actions to keeping my head in the ground I would offer that you are on merry-go-round desperately trying to steer for the right course without realizing you have no agency while on the ride.
Bottom line Plastic_Ramses is I'm tired of this shit, and I want to get off this stupid ride.
Would they still want it if it became hackable and someone could do nefarious things to them which they no doubt will try?