Not quite dry, but we combine the dry ones with some coleslaw mix, the flavor packet, some sugar, and some apple cider vinegar. Turns out crunchy and delicious.
Edit: Oh and also oil
I didn't care too much about API changes at first - I used an open source app on my phone, but mostly browsed desktop. Would have been fine going back to desktop only. As long as they keep the old site design around, I'd be fine to stay.
What killed it for me was the absolutely un-caring, not-budging response from leadership. I don't feel good continuing to feed the site my attention at that point.
I like quirky Foss stuff anyway, so I was already curious about Mastodon and Lemmy. But I'd always figured they'd be ghost towns. Twitter and Reddit deliberately being proudly, blatantly awful was enough to push me out to here, along with enough other folks.
Letting rage take over is not the right path, never is. Give yourself a little time and space to cool off. (Not to diminish that the situation sucks. It sounds terrible and I'm sorry for that.)
However, if you're not happy at work, looking for a new place is the thing to do. Update your resume, and take your time to find a new job. Importantly, don't quit voluntarily until after you find something else. Don't get ahead of yourself.
I like the idea of it. First bit of feedback though: might need to adjust how the link is formatted. It tries to take me to a Lemmy page if I just click.
The website https://nobsgames.stavros.io/ helps surface these, and let's you filter out based on different things.
One that I like in particular is Gauguin. It's a Sudoku-like with different math-y rules.
Anuto TD is a tower defense game that is also really good, but not so low stress.
Lichess, if you're into Chess. It's a great, no compromise, high quality app. Stressful if you get too worked up about competitive, but puzzles are at least relaxing.
Yeah, somewhat agree.
It's great just to see it exist. And not every game needs to reinvent the wheel, especially when the series hasn't had a game in 15 years.
But by the end of it, I was kinda left wanting some new hook.
Sylux showing up was a cool moment though. I didn't expect them to honor that tease from Prime 3, and I appreciate it.
Ehh, I know it's not the original source, but I saw it there. Then it was either link to that or Twitter.
I hadn't heard the rumor yet, but the timing sure does feel right for one of those!
Metroid is the big question. My guess is that it's a no-show again, but wouldn't mind being wrong.
I've heard Fire Emblem remake rumors, so I'm hoping for that.
Well said. Within the existing framework of copyright law, the emergency open library thing that got them sued seems obviously illegal, despite it being a good thing. What's good and what's legal don't always line up.
The Internet Archive's work is too important. The library portion (that does controlled digital lending of published books) is nice, but I wouldn't be too hurt if it goes down. Regular public libraries can fill a lot of that role. But the archive itself is incredible, and losing that would be a huge shame.
Legally, I don't know that admitting fault and saying sorry does much good, but it certainly isn't surprising that they got into hot water here.
That's fun! It's silly, but I do enjoy thinking about what my favorite thing in xyz category is and jotting them down, from time to time.
Would be cool if this included some pre-populated sample lists out of the box. Love that the import option is readily available though.
Also, mild inconcevenice - after I view a list, rank some things, maybe repeat a few times, pressing back takes me from list, to rank, etc, when I want it to go back to all lists page. If that makes sense.