The adapter is only for the older cars shipped without the plug that will be adopted after 2024 by the other major manufacturers.
Using the recall metric is a bit misleading when the majority of recalls is software addressable and done over the air. Being an owner of a Model Y I can say you have nothing to worry about. The newer models are alot more reliable than the older ones (I owned an early Model S (2014) before).
Problemet er vel at det bygges for lite boliger vs etterspørsel. Økte råvarepriser og høyere renter gjør bare situasjonen værre. Boliglånet til meg og min kone har blitt nesten 10.000 kr dyrere pr måned fra når vi først kjøpte huset. Høyere renter gjør bare at familieøkonomien blir strammere og det blir mindre til overs på annet forbruk. Jeg er glad vi forberedte oss på worst case scenario rent økonomisk, men jeg tror nok det er flere andre som begynner å slite nå.
Haha nei man vet aldri. Setter uansett pris på alle kommentarer. Sammen gir vi Lemmy liv og håp!
All engagement is good engagement, men den kommentaren virker skremmende likt det man får i output fra chatgpt 😂
As long as we keep posting content and the users continue to slowly grow there is hope.
Thanks, that's good feedback. I'm going to try that.
I still visit reddit to get relevant info to cross post to the communities I'm keeping alive here on Lemmy. And I've noticed a significant decline in the subbs I used to frequent. I can't be the only one noticing this? I mean like it's extremely easy to notice as you might go days without content on several subreddits that used be active. They are niche subs, but still...
Countries are still increasing their defence spending. My investment in Raytheon that was done over 6 months ago has netted me a negative increase of -2,42%.
It's never late enough for you to beat that.
Yes but some EVs are more effecient than others.
Lemmy is still quite small, so to keep communities I like active and growing i need to do that myself. The stats are getting better week by week and engagement is increasing, but I still need to use 20-40 minutes every day to find relevant info for the communities to remain relevant. That's why my posts might end up spammig the feed (because they all get posted within a small period of time). I want to recreate the subs I liked from Reddit. Hope you have a good weekend my friend. Cheers!
You won't be missed