Well, it IS only midway through season 1, after all.
You get it
no more to do with technology than CEOs of wood pulp factories have to do with literature.
This has me envisioning a literature community filled with stories like "Random House and Penguin merging" (I know, old news), "Layoffs at PRH", etc.
Star Trek for me, I think (though oddly, I've played in a Star Wars tabletop RPG but never a Star Trek RPG). My wife and I started watching Deep Space 9 from the beginning about a month ago. I had seen some of it a while back (not everything, busy with school at the time). She had never seen it. We just finished season 1.
I don't think it qualifies as "old school", but I do like the Vorkosigan books.
Lately I've been on kind of a Scalzi kick. I'm partway through the Interdependency series.
Why should we return the shopping cart when no one else does?
Edit: /s for people that took this too earnestly. I was alluding to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shopping_cart_theory.
Pretty much. A real structure would squish like a partially deflated balloon under the kinds of accelerations we see on Star Trek.
spreads the jelly on top of the peanut butter
Um. I mean, what did you expect him to do differently? A PBnJ is peanut butter and jelly on bread, so I don't understand why the dude adding the jelly was upsetting.
Was there some particular way your mom usually made them that was different from what this dude did?
I'm really struggling to picture what was disturbing in this picture :(
My wife and I just watched this episode like 2 days ago! 😂
It's not even in the outermost layer of the atmosphere! The ISS orbital altitude is somewhere around 420km high (heh) while the thermosphere stretches from 85 to 600km up. The exosphere stretches far beyond that, up to 10000km or so.
We got the high-range boozimeter from the safe, but it burned out instantly.