I've been using it since the early days and ran relays and exits. It's good for anonymity against your ISP, advertisers and lesser adversaries than being targeted by TLAs. Can be a bit slow. Make sure to use encryption to protect against bad exit nodes.
Evidence for your claims, please.
VPN tunnels don't magically become transparent when packets pass UK fiber and routers. And legislation doesn't translate well into which software people are allowed to run, for endpoints in UK. They can try to become North Korea of course, good luck with that.
Good enough on my opnsense. Does caching, too. And blacklists.
Most important is peace of mind in regards to censorship.
Connect your server to the Fritzbox via a patch cable.
Your profile contains your post history to many of your communities.
I'm pointing out that if you're going to the trouble of hosting your own instance you could as well allow some convenient number of random users to register. It would erase most of your signal and help distribute the load and exposure to specific legal compartments.
Your profile is also public. An instance with few 10 subscribers erases much of the information.
Load leveling. Specific policies. More control and performance, if it's your own instance.
Are the alternatives feature-complete in regards to GitLab CE?
Considering the TikTok user demographics, you'd do better without its search results.
Es gibt auch diesen Autor hier https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6054976.Theodore_J_Kaczynski dessen Methoden zwar nicht funktionieren, aber die Schriften prinzipiell lesenswert sind.
Eine rein energiebezogene quantitative Betrachtung ist https://escholarship.org/uc/energy_ambitions
It doesn't stop overnight. In fact it has noticeably slowed down already. Of course the process becomes quicker when Greenland freshwater runoff becomes massive.