Her latest album is significantly different from her previous stuff, if anyone is going to listen.
Fired Up!
Was genuinely surprised to see it rated so low. I enjoyed it at least as much as Not Another Teen Movie. I appreciated all the fast quips and it being a satire of a cheerleader movie while simultaneously being a cheerleader movie.
But what if I pour vacuum into the beaker?
Is Nine Sols in the sale? GOTY for me. Got overlooked by a lot of awards.
Game director already confirmed she went through the trials in an interview.
Literal pain sometimes. Sitting twisted so you could write with your left hand was horrible posture.
Yeah, and it makes an absurd amount of money, too.
I've seen plenty of outrage.
It's just all targeted at the insurance companies.
And having to wait a year and a half.
Or longer, if they decide to go the bloodborne route.
I'm mostly surprised that one or both lungs aren't Saddam Hussein.
Same. Was disappointed (but not entirely surprised) to see it getting ignored by pretty much all of the game awards.
I kind of hated it, honestly.
But I really like her previous albums.